Special Session: UGM Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2nd-7th November 2015

A special session ‘SE15: Regional climate models and CORDEX’ will be held at the upcoming UGM meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2nd – 7th November 2015:

For this session papers on the following topics are welcome:
  1. Implementation and validation of regional climate models over different regions — with particular emphasis on those within the CORDEX framework
  2. Applicability of regional climate models to the study of extreme events (i.e. precipitation extremes, heat waves and other phenomena)
  3. Studies of VIA (vulnerability, impacts and adaptation) to climate change
Deadline for abstract submission
The deadline is the 9th of August, through the UGM site and papers in English and Spanish are welcomed.
Ruth Cerezo-Mota (rcerezom@iingen.unam.mx)
Ramón Fuentes-Franco (rfuentes@ictp.it)
Cuauhtémoc Turrent Thompson (turrentc@cicese.mx)

2 year Climate researcher position at Rossby Centre

The Rossby Centre works across the spectrum of global and regional climate modelling, analysis of climate change and climate variability, and research into climate change impacts as part of the wider SMHI Research Department of around 100 scientists. As a partner, or coordinator, of numerous national Swedish, European and international projects the Rossby Centre has responsibility for the effective and innovative communication and dissemination of project results to a wide variety of end users from the Swedish forestry industry to EU policymakers and also the wider general public.
You will be working with the analysis of climate scenarios with a focus on southern Africa as part of a recently initiated international research project FRACTAL. A starting point for your work will be the global and regional climate scenarios from CMIP5 and CORDEX. A key component of this position is to identify the climate change signal in different variables and estimate how robust or uncertain they are. At a later stage in the project new, regional climate scenarios at higher horizontal resolutions will be analysed in more detail and put in context of the larger ensembles from CMIP5 and CORDEX.
Your profile

The Rossby Centre are looking for a candidate with an academic education in meteorology, climatology or closely related subject. You should have considerable experience of working with climate data and climate scenarios. A PhD is mandatory and post-doctoral experience is preferred. Experience in mathematical statistics would be desirable.

Good programming skills in packages/languages such as Python, R, Octave/Matlab, IDL and CDO is preferable as is experience of working in a Linux environment. You should be accustomed to handling large volumes of data, most likely in NetCDF format. A good level of written and spoken English is essential. Knowledge of Swedish is not required but there will be opportunities to learn, should you wish.

The position is limited to 2 years and will be based in Norrköping.

To find out more

For further information and details of how to apply see the vacancy notice on the SMHI website

Special Issue of Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (2014 Impact Factor: 1.347) will be publishing a special issue on Regional Climate Downscaling over the Asia-Pacific region. The deadline for paper submission is the 15th October 2015 and the issue will be published in April 2016. 

For further information click here or you could visit the journal website and click  “Call for Papers” on the right side of the website.

Kick off for new phase of CORDEX-Africa Analysis Workshops

SAM 9706

Representatives from across the CORDEX Africa community came together for the first scoping workshop of the next phase of CORDEX-Africa Analysis Workshops in Johannesburg on 26th & 27th May 2015.  This workshop series follows on from a highly successful first series, which has led to 9 peer reviewed journal articles authored by members of the African regional teams. The workshop was funded through a combination of support from the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth Systems Science (SSEESS), WCRP and SMHI.

The goals of this first scoping workshop were to: reinstate the regional teams and also initiate the new Central Africa regional team; identify key regional research questions; develop or adopt appropriate methodologies to address these; and to discuss how to engage the user community. The focus of this meeting was to provide context from the wider CORDEX and international strategy, provided by participation of the IPOC Director and ICSU representative, and to set the research agenda of the workshops to follow and thus only included senior regional team members.A number of participants who were unable to join physically connected through Skype for key discussion sessions.

The workshop was highly successful resulting in a list of clearly defined research questions to be addressed by each of the regional teams, a publication plan initiated, training and infrastructure requirements highlighted, and a plan for effective liaison with end users and other relevant programmes and initiatives. Funding is now being confirmed for the next two workshops to take place during Autumn 2015 and early 2016. Details from the meeting can be found on the CORDEX-Africa website.

For further information contact CORDEX Africa point of contact Chris Lennard, CSAG, UCT.

From left to right: Grigory Nikulin (SMHI, Sweden), Francois Engelbrecht (CSIR, South Africa), Chris Lennard (UCT, South Africa), Daniel Michelson (SMHI, Sweden), Genito Maure (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique), Vincent Ajayi (Akure Federal University of Technology, Nigeria), Sarah Osima (Tanzania Meteorological Agency), Eleanor O’Rourke (IPOC), Wilfried Pokam (University of Yaounde, Cameroon) and Daniel Nyanganyura (ICSU African Regional Office, South Africa)


4th Workshop of the Southeast Asia regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/CORDEX Southeast Asia Project

The 4th Workshop of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/
CORDEX Southeast Asia Project

Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-25 November 2016


Workshop venue: Le Van Thiem lecture hall, VNU University of   Science, 19 Le Thanh Tong str., Hoan Kiem, Hanoi



The Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID) is an APN funded project of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Initiative (SEARCI). Officially established in November 2013, the SEACLID project was later streamlined into the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)’s Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) as one of the three CORDEX domains in Asia and subsequently renamed as SEACLID / CORDEX Southeast Asia. SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia aims to address the urgent needs for high-resolution regional future climate change scenarios for the Southeast Asia region, and to enhance capacity building in regional climate modeling and increase visibility in scientific publications in regional climate. SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia is currently participated by 14 countries and 18 institutions. Detailed about this project can be viewed at http://www.ukm.edu.my/seaclid-cordex.

During the first two years implementation of SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia, tremendous progress has been achieved. Currently, the regional climate simulations of CORDEX/Southeast Asia has been completed. In the next few months, project members would carry out analysis and model performance evaluation. To ensure a smooth progression during its final year of implementation, the project 4th workshop will be held from 24-25th Nov 2016 in Hanoi and to be hosted by the VNU University of Science, to facilitate coordination among its members and discussion on model performances, data management and documentation of research output.

SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia project members are invited and encouraged to participate and present their model output analysis results at this workshop. Other interested participants and potential data users are most welcome to participate. Scientists / researchers, students, stakeholders and other parties interested in regional climate and SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia activities are welcome.

The objectives of the workshop include:

  1. To discuss the current progress of the project and present the results of analysis of SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia simulations;
  2. To discuss and coordinate efforts on documentation of research output and scientific paper;
  3. To discuss issues related to data archives and ESGF implementation;
  4. To discuss scientific issues relevant to SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia and possible future undertaking.


Participation & Registration

Interested participants are required to complete and submit the registration form. Kindly email the form to the Local Organizing Committee (Prof. Dr. Phan Van Tan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanh Ngo-Duc) [cordexsea.2016@gmail.com] by no later than August 31, 2016 . Please copy your email to SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia Secretariat (Prof. Fredolin Tangang [ftangang@gmail.com]). For participants require invitation letter for VISA application, please submit the completed form as soon as possible and request the invitation letter and other required documents from the local secretariat (Prof. Dr. Phan Van Tan and Assoc. Prof. Dr Thanh Ngo-Duc)


Participants are recommended to stay at either May De Ville Hotel (24 HanThuyen street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, approximately 60 USD/night) or A25 Hotel (45 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, approximately 45 USD/night).

 Empirical and Statistical Downscaling (ESD) Side Meeting

In conjunction with this workshop, on 23th November 2016, a side meeting and discussion on ESD for CORDEX Asia will be held. Participants interested to attend this side meeting should contact Dr Kojie Dairaku of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Reduction Division, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan [Email: dairaku@bosai.go.jp]. This side meeting will be held in the same venue.

 Further Information

Enquiries for further information may be sent by email to cordexsea.2016@gmail.com or to SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia Secretariat or the latest information will be made available to the Project website at http://www.ukm.edu.my/seaclid-cordex. Excursion may be organized depends on request from the participants. One day tour to the Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex (UNESCO World Heritage Site) can be organized on 26 November 2016.

 Organizing Committee Members

  1. Prof. Dr. Phan Van Tan (VNU University of Science)
  2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanh Ngo-Duc (University of      Science and Technology of Hanoi)
  3. Prof. Dr. Fredolin Tangang (The National      University of Malaysia)
  4. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh (VNU University of      Science)
  5. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh (VNU University of Science)
  6. Ms. Pham Thanh Ha (VNU University of Science)


The 4th Workshop of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/
CORDEX Southeast Asia Project

24-25 November 2016, VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam

(Please submit your registration form by before August 31, 2016)

Full Name

(Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)                                    :                                                                                                                     

Institution/Organization                             :                                                                                                                    

Designation/Position                                 :                                                                                                                     

Address                                                        :                                                                                                                     



Phone                                                           :                                                                                                                     

Fax                                                                :                                                                                                                     

E-mail                                                           :                                                                                                                     

Title of Presentation                                  :                                                                                                                     



Funding information                                  :                                                                                                                     

(Due to funding limitation, we may only able to fund those directly involved in the SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia project)

Dietary restrictions                                     :                                                                                                                     

Please indicate other special requirements :                                                                                                                                                                                                  



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanh Ngo-Duc

Local Organizing Committee

Fourth Workshop of SEACLID / CORDEX Southeast Asia Project

VNU University of Science

334 NguyenTrai, ThanhXuan, Hanoi, Vietnam

Email: cordexsea.2016@gmail.com



Download Workshop document/registration form:

4th Workshop of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/CORDEX Southeast Asia Project