Region 14: South-East Asia (SEA)

Globe showing the CORDEX domain of South East Asia

Ref: Description of the CORDEX domains
(23/10/2015 version)

A) For rotated polar RCMs (in rotated coordinates):

RotPole (180.0; 90.0)
TLC (89.26; 27.28)

B) For non-rotated polar RCMs (in actual coordinates):

TLC (27.26; 89.26)
CNB (27.26; 118.04)
TRC (27.26; 146.96)
CWB (6.5N; 89.26)
CPD (6.5N; 118.04)
CEB (6.5N; 146.96)
BLC (-15.14; 89.26)
CSB (-15.14; 118.04)
BRC (-14.81; 146.96)




Points of contact:

Fredolin Tangang (SAT member)National University of Malaysia, Malaysia    

- Faye Cruz - Manila Observatory, Philippines  fcruz(at)

- Thanh Ngo Duc -  University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Vietnam   ngo-duc.thanh(at)

Statistical downscaling contact:

- Koji Dairaku, - National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan

- Liew Juneng, - juneng