Vacancy: Director, International Project Office for CORDEX

Would you like to be responsible for developing and leading the work of the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)? Do you enjoy blending your climate science knowledge with project management, coordination and strategic development skills? Are you excited by the prospect of working with an international community towards meeting key global challenges? 

If so SMHI, the host institute of the International Project Office for CORDEX (IPOC), is recruiting for an IPOC Director. For further information and details of how to apply see here.

Subset of CORDEX simulations become available again

Since mid June, ESGF has been down due to a software upgrade and no CORDEX simulations published on ESGF in recent years are currently available for download. However, we are happy to inform CORDEX users that a temporary resource has now been configured on a Swedish ESGF development node. All SMHI-RCA4, ICTP-RegCM4 and MGO-RRCM CORDEX simulations which were previously available on the Swedish node will become available again within the next two days.  Some simulations for Africa and the Arctic are already available. Note that this is a test deployment of the new ESGF software, and may face intermittent service interruptions.

Temporary resource:

For instructions on how to use this temporary resource, please refer to:

For updates about data availability and schedule for return to full operational status, please continue to check:

Many thanks to all ESGF developers and all local ESGF node admins who worked on development of new ESGF software and especially to Prashanth Dwarakanath and Kai Lu from the National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University (Sweden) who worked really hard on the first test installation of new ESGF.

Joint HyMex-Baltic Earth Workshop – 5th & 6th November

Joint regional climate system modelling for the European sea regions


ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Rome, Italy

Workshop aims

This workshop aims to contribute to the understanding of regional energy, momentum, water, and matter fluxes and their effects on the regional climate using observations and Regional Climate System Models (RCSMs) encompassing processes in the atmosphere, land, sea, and anthroposphere. In this workshop, we will focus on European seas and their catchment areas like the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean – highly sensitive areas where global models fail to give reliable information about changing climate because key processes are not properly resolved.

In recent years, coupled atmosphere – sea ice – ocean models have been elaborated further by using a hierarchy of sub-models for the Earth system, combining regional climate models with sub-models for surface waves, land vegetation, hydrology, land and marine biogeochemistry, the marine carbon cycle as well as marine biology and food webs. Hence, there is a tendency to develop so-called regional Earth system models with the aim to investigate the impact of climate change on the entire terrestrial and marine environment.Studies on any of the session topics described below are invited to be presented at the workshop. Discussions on progress in the field and challenges will complement the oral and poster presentations.


  • Session 1: Development and evaluation of regional climate system models. New coupled atmosphere – ice – ocean – land surface/vegetation – biogeochemical/carbon – food web models are presented and the results of hindcast simulations are compared to observations. Further, model improvement, new data sets for model evaluation and bias correction methods are particularly welcomed.
  • Session 2: Regional process studies and studies on the added value of coupled models with high resolution. A special focus on land-atmosphere, ocean-atmosphere and land-ocean (rivers) interactions is expected. In particular, discussions of advantages and disadvantages of regional climate system models are encouraged.
  • Session 3: Extreme and high impact events. Studies of all kind of extremes using coupled models are welcome. The focus of the session will be on the basic scientific understanding of high impact events, and on assessing impacts on key areas with different adaptation potential.
  • Session 4: Climate change impact studies and uncertainty assessments of projections using coupled model simulations. Dynamical downscaling of Earth System Models, multi-model ensemble studies, and multi-stressor approaches are expected.


For further information

More information and details of registration, abstract submission and logistics can be found at the workshop website.



4th WCRP CORDEX Science & Training Workshop in East Asia

The “4th WCRP CORDEX Science and Training Workshop in East Asia” will be held 23rd-26th November 2015 in Beijing, China. This workshop will be jointly supported by APN, WCRP, Regional Integrated Multi-hazard Early warning System (RIMES), International Center for Climate and Environment sciences (ICCE) of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS) and MAIRS.

Workshop topics

  • Continue discussion on Phase II experiment of CORDEX East Asia following the 3rd CORDEX EA workshop in Jeju 2014
  • Evaluation of climate simulations in East Asia region from multiple climate models (East Asia monsoon, ENSO, seasonal and intra-seasonal variability, Typhoon and tropical cyclone, extreme events etc.).
  • Assessment of downscaling techniques and their products in East Asia to understand uncertainties accompanying the regional climate projections and to determine the utility of climate model results.
  • Meeting the requests of end-users (hydrology, agriculture, water resources, land cover and ecosystem etc.) on downscaled products, with definition of data types, formats and resolutions, for vulnerability, impacts and adaptation analysis.
  • Building up CORDEX ESGF nodes in Asia
  • Training on RCMs modeling, data analysis and applications for young scientists from East and Southeast Asia.


For further information

For further details on the workshop download the workshop flyer here and see the workshop website here.

ICRC-CORDEX 2016 Website launched!



The ICRC-CORDEX 2016 conference website is now up and running at and includes a provisional session framework and descriptions plus some information on the venue and important dates. The website will continue to evolve over the coming months with the next milestone being the Call for Abstracts in early September 2015.