The Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) proposal entitled High-resolution downscaling of tropical cyclones in the Caribbean region (HighResTC-CAR) has been endorsed by the CORDEX Science Advisory Team! Th...
RIfS is seeking experts to join a new task team dedicated to the responsible use of climate data. Engagement from the CORDEX community is highly encouraged, please consider applying!
“The Coupled M...
We are happy to annnounce that so far four new Flagship Pilot Studies have been endorsed and will start during 2025. The new FPSs have the below titles. (Clic the link to read more about each FPS)...
The IX Convection Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop (
We invite abstract submissions for the 9th CPC...
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is opening a call for proposals to host the International project office of CORDEX.
The Host Instituti...
CORDEX has now launched our new logo that was agreed by the CORDEX Science Advisory Team at the SAT meeting in September 2024.
The new logo has be...