

Full Name/Link
 --                                                         A -- -- Back to Top --
APN Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
AR6 The Sixth Assessment Cycle from IPCC
AR7 The Seventh Assessment Cycle from IPCC
 --                                                         B -- -- Back to Top --
BLC Bottom Left Corner
BRC Bottom Right hand Corner
--                                                         C -- -- Back to Top --
CAM Central America, CORDEX domain
CEB Centre point of the Eastern Boundary
CMIP Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project
CliC Climate and Cryosphere
CLIVAR Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change
CNB Centre point of the Northern Boundary
COP Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC)
CORA WCRP Coordination Office for Regional Activities
CORDEX Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment
CORDEX CORE CORDEX Coordinated Output for Regional Evaluations
CPD Centre Point of the Domain
CSB Centre point of the Southern Boundary
CWB Centre point of the Western Boundary
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--                                                         E -- -- Back to Top --
ENSO El-Niño Southern Oscillation
ESC Early Career Scientist
ESD Empirical Statistical Downscaling
ESGF Earth System Grid Federation
ESR Early Career Researcher
ESM Earth System Model
ESMO Earth System Modelling and Observations
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FoCI Frontier of Climate Information
FPS Flagship Pilot Studies
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GCM Global Climate Model
GEWEX Global Energy and Water Exchanges
GFCS Global Framework on Climate Services
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--                                                         I -- -- Back to Top --
ICRC International Conference on Regional Climate
IPCC International Panel on Climate Change
IPO International Project Office
IPOC International Project Office for CORDEX
IRI International Research Institute for Climate and Society
ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone
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JPS Joint Planning Staff
JSC Joint Scientific Committee
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LUCAS Land Use and Climate Across Scales
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MAIRS-FE Monsoon Asia Integrated Research for Sustainability- Future Earth
MENA Middle East North Africa, CORDEX Domain
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obs4MIPs Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project
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POC Point of Contact
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--                                                         R -- -- Back to Top --
RCD Regional Climate Downscaling
RCM Regional Climate Model
RCMES Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
RCP Representative Concentration Pathway
RIfS Regional Information for Society
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SAM South America, CORDEX domain
SAT CORDEX Science Advisory Team
SEA South East Asia, CORDEX Domain
SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SPARC Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate
SSG Scientific Steering Group
SSP Socio-Economic Pathway
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TLC Top Left Corner
TPE Third Pole Environment
TRC Top Right hand Corner
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US CLIVAR US Climate Variability and Predictability Research Programme
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VIA Vulnerability-Impact-Adaptation
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WCRP World Climate Research Programme
WDAC WCRP Data Advisory Council
WGCM Working Group on Coupled Modelling
WGIRS Working Group on Information for Regions and Society
WMAC WCRP Modelling Advisory Council
WMO World Meteorological Organization 
WWRP World Weather Research Programme
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This list is originally compiled by the
International CLIVAR Project Office,
but has been modified with the
acronyms used at the CORDEX website.