Read about the Flagship Pilot Studies

At the moment there are 9 endorsed CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies.
The two latest additions for Africa and the TPE region were officially presented as endorsed at the ICRC-CORDEX 2019 in Beijing in October.

To get more information on the Flagship Pilot Studies click here

To see the complete list of FPSs click here



The International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX 2013 brought together the international community of regional climate scientists to present and Read More

4th WCRP CORDEX Science & Training Workshop in East Asia

The “4th WCRP CORDEX Science and Training Workshop in East Asia” will be held 23rd-26th November 2015 in Beijing, China.Read More

Advanced School on Climate Modeling over South America

15-19 February 2016, IFT – Unesp, Sao Paulo, Brazil. As in previous workshops, this event will include lectures and extensive hands-on Read More


The International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-CORDEX 2016 to be held  from 17th to 20th May 2016 in Stockholm (Sweden) Read More

CORDEX GCM-RCM simulations overview

Now an excel file with information on simulations in all CORDEX domains is available.

The file is an overview of model simulations in the domains and does not include all details.

Since new simulations are performed continuously the most recent information on simulations/model runs with more details will be available via links or  contacts referred to at the domain tabs in the excel document.

For access to the excel file go to GCM-RCM excel overview.

For a quick overview of number of simulations for each domain go to GCM-RCM summary table.