- 3-5 March: CORDEX FPS southeast Africa workshop, Maputo (Mozambique)
- 18-20 February: Spatial and temporal analysis of future climate projections in South Asia, Kathmandu (Nepal)
- 27-30 January: EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, Hamburg (Germany)
- 26-28 November: Care for SEA Megacities and CORDEX SEA special session at the IVCEES 2024, Quy Nhon (Vietnam)
- 12-13 November: Second workshop FPS: Dynamical downscaling experiments and hydrological modelling for Canada and Mexico, Villahermosa (Mexico)
- 23-25 October: Polar CORDEX annual meeting, Potsdam (Germany)
- 9-12 September: CORDEX Science Advisory Team meeting, Santander (Spain)
- 21-22 August: Follow up FPS Extreme precipitation events in South-eastern South America meeting São Paulo (Brazil)
- 26 June: CORDEX Africa Strategic meeting, online
- 14-16 May: 8th international Med-CORDEX workshop, Rome (Italy)
- 14-16 May: CARE for SEA megacities project workshop, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
- 5 February: Workshop: Regional climate downscaling for Australia within the CORDEX framework, Canberra (Australia)
- 22-26 January: EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, Hamburg (Germany)
- 18-20 December: Workshop on Developing a Strategy for Future Climate Projections in South Asia, Dhulikhel (Nepal)
- 27-29 November: Climate Data Analyses and Downscaling Central Asia, Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
- 22-24 November: CARE for SEA megacities – inception workshop and stakeholder consultation, Bangkok (Thailand)
- 23-24 October: WCRP Open Science Conference – CORDEX Side events, Kigali (Rwanda)
- 4-6 October: CORDEX Polar Annual meeting, Utrecht (the Netherlands)
- 25-29 September: International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX2023, Trieste, Italy and Pune, India and online
- 24 May: EURO-CORDEX-workshop on Convection Permitting Activities (online)
- 15-16 May: 7th International Med-CORDEX Workshop (online)
- 31 January-2 February: EURO-CORDEX General Assembly (online)
- 19-23 December: Training on spatial and temporal climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models Bhutan
- 8-9 November: CORDEX SEA workshop, Regional Climate Downscaling and Applications, Bangkok (Thailand and online)
- 11-13 October: Workshop on consolidating downscaling -CORDEX Consolidate in Oslo , (Norway)
- 28-30 September: CORDEX Polar Annual Meeting, Bergen (Norway)
- 4-6 September: Conference on Regional Climate Modeling and Extreme Events over South America: results from the CORDEX-Flagship Pilot Study, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- 25-27 April: Storylines from regional simulation (online)
- 20-22 April: Joint Africa workshop; CORDEX Africa and the CORDEX Flagship South-East Africa Pilot Study, Johannesburg (South Africa)
- December: CORDEX Africa workshop, (online)
- 13-15 December: Training on spatial and temporal climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models Bangladesh
- 6-7, 9 December: Climate Change Downscaling Simulations and Regional Research Applications in Asia (online)
- 15-17 November: CORDEX SEA Outreach and Capacity Building Workshop (online)
- 8 October: 4th EURO-CORDEX workshop on Convection Permitting Strategy (online)
- 5-6 October, Follow up Paper-Writing Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling South and Central America (online)
- 1 March: 1st EURO-CORDEX workshop on aerosol and land use forcing in CMIP6-CORDEX simulations (online)
- 25-29 January, EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, Hamburg (Germany)
- 24-25 November and 8-9 December: CORDEX Central America and South America Paper-Writing Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling South and Central America (online)
- 17-19 November: CORDEX Southeast Asia Outreach and Capacity Building Workshop (online)
- 9-10 November: CORDEX and MAIRS-FE joint workshop (online)
- 12-14 and 19-21 October: Regional climate change projections: Climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models over South Asia (online)
- 5-7 October: CORDEX Polar Annual meeting (online)
- 10-14 February: AMOS Annual Conference and the International Conference on Indian Ocean Meteorology and Oceanography 2020 Fremantle (Australia)
- 29-31 January: 10th EURO-CORDEX annual meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
- 9-13 December: AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco (USA)
- 25-29 November: Med-CORDEX Workshop, Toulouse (France)
- 31 October: UGM, Session Modelación regional del clima y CORDEX (Climate regional modeling and CORDEX), Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco (Mexico)
- 14-18 October: International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX2019, Beijing (China)
- 7-9 October: Polar-CORDEX annual meeting, Copenhagen (Denmark)
- 3 October: Workshop of Access and Utilization of Regional Climate Downscaled Data of ESGF/ SARCCIS of CORDEX Southeast Asia, Bangkok (Thailand)
- 25-26 September:LUCAS Annual Meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
- 10-11 July: 3rd Workshop of the Second Phase of SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia Project, Manila (Philippines)
- 7-12 April: EGU2019 1.Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX (CL5.01) , 2.CORDEX FPS Convection splinter meeting (by invitation only) 3. Convection permitting modeling (CL5.04) Vienna (Austria)
- 4-5 February: International Workshop on CORDEX East Asia, Jeju (Korea)
- 28-30 January: EURO-CORDEX annual meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
- 21 January: Training Workshop of Access and Utilization of Regional Climate Downscaled Data of ESGF/ SARCCIS of CORDEX Southeast Asia, Bangkok (Thailand)
- 29-31 October: UGM, Session Modelación climática regional y CORDEX, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco (Mexico)
- 17-19 October: Polar CORDEX meeting, Warsaw (Poland)
- 1-2 October: FPS LUCAS Annual Meeting, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- 4-6 September: GEWEX Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop, Boulder, Colorado (USA)
- 25-27 June: CORDEX Central and South America Training Workshop on Downscaling Techniques, La Paz (Bolivia)
- 3-8 June: AOGS Session: Regional Climate Downscaling and CORDEX: Challenges and Prospects, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA)
- 7-9 May: The Final Workshop of the First Phase and the Second Technical Workshop of the Second Phase of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID), Selangor (Malaysia)
- 14-16 March: MedCORDEX-Baltic Earth-COST Workshop on Regional Climate System Modelling for the European Sea Regions, Palma de Mallorca, (Spain)
- 12-16 February: CORDEX–Africa Vulnerability-Impact-Adaptation Workshop 2, Cape Town (South Africa)
- 29-31 January: EURO-CORDEX annual meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
- 4-8 December: CORDEX–Africa Climate Analysis Workshop 5, Cape Town (South Africa)
- 15-17 November: CORDEX–Africa Vulnerability-Impact-Adaptation Workshop 1, Cape Town (South Africa)
- 18-20 October: Polar-CORDEX meeting, Cambridge (UK)
- 2-4 October: CORDEX-Asia ESD session during the International Workshop on Climate Downscaling Studies, Tsukuba (Japan)
- 7-11 August: CORDEX–Africa Climate Analysis Workshop 4, Cape Town (South Africa)
- 3-7 July: 5th Med-CORDEX workshop jointly with the HyMeX workshop and included specific FPS sessions and discussions. Barcelona (Spain)
- 14-16 March: Workshop “The Science of Climate Change: a focus on Central America and the Caribbean Islands”, Antigua (Guatemala)
- 31 January-2 February: EURO-CORDEX annual meeting, Hamburg (Germany)
2016 Meetings - 24-25 November: 4th Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/CORDEX Workshop – Hanoi (Vietnam)
- 14-15 July: SEACLID/CORDEX Southeast Asia Workshop on Data Analysis and Data Quality – Hanoi (Vietnam)
- 17-20 May: ICRC-CORDEX 2016 – Stockholm (Sweden)
- 8-12 February: CORDEX-Africa Phase 2 Analysis Workshop 2 – University of Cape Town (South Africa)
- 25-28 January: EURO-CORDEX annual meeting – Hamburg (Germany)
2015 Meetings
- 23-26 November: 4th WCRP CORDEX Science & Training Workshop in East Asia – UCAS International Conference Centre, Beijing (China)
- 16-20 November: CORDEX-Africa Phase 2 Analysis Workshop 1 – University of Cape Town (South Africa)
- 5-6 November: A joint HyMex-Baltic Earth Workshop ‘Joint regional climate system modelling for the European sea regions’ – ENEA, Rome (Italy)
- Special Session ‘SE15: Regional climate models and CORDEX’: UGM Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2nd-7th November 2015
- 26-28 October: 2015 Arctic CORDEX Meeting – Potsdam (Germany)
- 7-10 July: Our Common Future under Climate Change – Paris (France)
- 1-3 June: Empirical Statistical Downscaling Workshop – Cape Town (South Africa)
- 1-2 June: 3rd Meeting of CORDEX SEACLID/South East Asia – Manila (Philippines)
- 26-27 May: CORDEX-Africa Phase 2 Scoping Workshop – Johannesburg (South Africa)
- 25-29 May: RegCM Training Workshop for South East Asia – Manila (Philippines)
- 25-27 February: 2nd meeting of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) – Norrköping (Sweden)
- 12-14 January : International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable – Kathmandu (Nepal)
2014 Meetings
- 15-19 December 2014: AGU Fall Meeting: Session on Climate data, information and knowledge for societal decision making – San Francisco (USA)
- 17-20 November 2014: CORDEX Southeast Asia science and training workshop – Citeko Bogor (Indonesia)
- 2-7 November : Regional climate models and CORDEX at the UGM – Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- 11-12 August 2014: 3rd CORDEX East Asia Workshop – Jeju, Korea
- 30 July-1 August 2014: 2nd CORDEX-ESDM Workshop : Second CORDEX Workshop on Empirical-Statistical Downscaling Models – Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- 16-19 June: Third International Regional-scale Workshop on 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate modelling – Lund (Sweden)
- 9-10 June: Second Workshop of SEACLID/CORDEX-SEA – Bangkok (Thailand)
- 26-28 May: 3rd international MED-CORDEX workshop – Palaiseau (France)
- 16-17 May: 1st session of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) – ICTP, Trieste (Italy)
- 27-02 April: EGU 2014 – Session CL6.4 Regional Climate Modeling including CORDEX – Vienna (Austria)
- 07-09 April: CORDEX South-America/LAC – Santo Domingo (Domenican Republic)
2013 Meetings
- 4-7 November: International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX 2013 – Brussels (Belgium)
- 7-12 October: 7th HyMeX International Workshop – Cassis, France
- 7-12 April: EGU2013 -Session CL5.3, Regional Climate Modeling, including CORDEX – Vienna (Austria)
2012 Meetings
- 3-7 December: AGU Fall Meeting 2012 Session A062: Regional Climate Modeling
- 6-8 November: 2nd international workshop on CORDEX-East Asia– Jeju (Korea)
- 17-20 October: CORDEX South Asia Training Workshop – Pune (India)
- 1-5 October: 1st CORDEX-WRF Workshop and CORWES/WRF4G hands-on Tutorial The main goal of the workshop is to bring together scientists using the WRF model in the CORDEX initiative or, more generally, using it as a dynamical downscaling tool in climate modeling. Tenerife (Spain)
- 3-6 September: Bjerknes Centre´s 10-year Anniversary Conference on Climate Change in high Latitude
Session 4: Climate projections and ecosystem responses. Contributions analysing global and regional model simulations and climate projections (e.g. CMIP5 and CORDEX) as well as studies linking climate scenarios with ecosystem responses and interactions. Bergen (Norway) - 4-6 June: CLIVAR VAMOS Workshop on Modeling and Predicting Climate in the Americas Petropolis (Brazil)
- 22-27 April: EGU2012 Session CL5.10, Regional Climate Modeling, projections and impacts (including CORDEX), Vienna (Austria)
- 28-30 March: HyMeX-TTM3 and MedCORDEX workshop, Toulouse (France)
- 7-9 March: End User Needs for Regional Climate Change Scenarios, Kiel (Germany)
- 25-26 February: WCRP CORDEX South-Asia planning meeting , Pune (India)
- 20-24 February: CORDEX-Africa writeshop, Trieste (Italy)
2007-2011 Meetings
- 21-26 March: First International Conference on the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment ( CORDEX), Trieste (Italy)
- 14-16 June: WCRP Regional Climate Workshop: Facilitating the production of climate information and its use in impact and adaptation work Lille (France)
- 4-8 May: 2nd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop: 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling Lund (Sweden)
- 28-30 April: FREE Workshop on precipitation downscaling and modelling Norwich (UK)
- 11-13 February: Workshop on “Evaluating and Improving Regional Climate Projections” Toulouse (France)
- 3-14 March: Fourth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models: Applying RCMs to Developing Nations in Support of Climate Change Assessment and Extended-Range Prediction Trieste (Italy)
- 10 July: Regionalizing Climate Models with Skill, Perugia (Italy)