Registration open – Polar CORDEX Annual meeting

The Polar CORDEX annual meeting will this year be held in Potsdam, Germany hosted by AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research). The plan is to hold the hybrid meeting starting on Wednesday 23 October at 2:00 PM and closing on Friday 25 October at 1.00 PM.

There will be 3 sessions: Arctic CORDEX, Antarctic CORDEX and Plans for 2025 plenum discussions, which we will schedule after registration. Presentations are very welcome on all aspects of Antarctic and Arctic CORDEX related research (e.g., processes, recent and future climate change, keep drivers, coupled modelling, model evaluation, multi-model intercomparisons). Time allotted is 10 minutes per presentation (depending on registration).

If you want to attend, please complete the online registration form hereDeadline to register is 15 September.

Any questions regarding the event can be sent to Annette Rinke at