CORDEX MAIRS-Future Earth joint workshop on Science-Impacts-Society and Multi-scale Climate-Air-Water Nexus for Sustainable Health, Food, and Energy

CORDEX and Monsoon Asia Integrated Research for Sustainability-Future Earth (MAIRS-FE) have earlier jointly co-organized workshops to enhance the information exchange, learning and collaboration across science disciplines in the Asia region. The next step in this collaborative effort is to organize a workshop which will take place in Beijing at PKU on 17-18 October.

The overall topic for the collaboration is on Science-Impacts-Society and Multi-scale Climate-Air-Water Nexus for Sustainable Health, Food, and Energy. For this particular workshop we will have specific emphasis on how climate change is related to air quality and water scarcity/abundance, which would consequently pose threats to public health and food and energy security. Here is the agenda including the Zoom-link for online participation.

thumbnail of Final agenda

Prior to this workshop the Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process will be held at the Suzhou Campus of Nanjing University. 14-16 October. CORDEX is co-hosting and several representatives from CORDEX will be attending the event. Read more about the Forum here.

CARE for SEA Megacities and CORDEX-SEA: A Special Session

thumbnail of Announcement CARE for SEA_Nov.2024

Following the training workshop on empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) and urban climate
downscaling in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last May 2024, there will be a special session for CARE
for SEA megacities and CORDEX-SEA on 26-28 November 2024, as part of “The 4th International
Vietnam Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences (iVCEES-2024)” to be held in Quy
Nhon, Vietnam. Read more about the session, how to submit an abstract and how to register here

This workshop aims:
to coordinate and discuss updates on the empirical statistical downscaling (ESD), and
land surface physics-based downscaling (LSP-DS) activities under the CARE for SEA
megacities project;
to coordinate and discuss updates on the CMIP6 downscaling activities of CORDEX-SEA
and identify opportunities for collaboration with similar initiatives in Southeast Asia; and
to provide a platform for engagement between climate researchers and stakeholders.

Read more about the session, how to submit an abstract and how to register in the pdf above or at the conference website. 

CORDEX Africa strategic meeting

On 26 June CORDEX Africa held a strategic meeting online with 20 persons attending, all involved in the CORDEX Africa community in different ways. The objectives for this meeting were to outline priorities for future activities and make a draft master plan for the coming years.

Several topics to address were defined such as the need to strengthen the assessment of observed climate trends in Africa and the need for attribution studies on high impact events across the African regions to distinguish whether they are driven by climate change or not. Moreover, CORDEX Africa can address regional climate risks and vulnerability in various sectors and support decision makers. This underlines the necessity to develop a strong connection with the VIA community in each African region. Strengthening the practice of artificial intelligence could also be an opportunity for downscaling in the CORDEX Africa community.

Besides the scientific discussions the new North African team presented themselves and part of the meeting was also dedicated to the planning of an in-person/hybrid workshop, planned to be held in 2025. There is a need for a CORDEX Africa workshop/conference to continue the discussions and define future directions for the CORDEX Africa community and also to connect with other actors. The organization of this workshop will proceed and when more details are set the information will be spread within the CORDEX community.

CORDEX input to CMIP7 Data request: Phase 1 Community Consultation

As part of CORDEX role in the Seventh Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7) Impacts and Adaptation Data Request Author Team, we wanted to alert you to the ongoing public request that will determine the variables produced and made available in the next generation of climate model intercomparisons.  CMIP7 is looking for inputs on variable priorities as well as proposals for new variables that would facilitate new areas of research and application.  These represent requests to the climate modeling groups that will have to put in work to produce, process, and make these outputs available for use in our work.  CMIP7 is encouraging requests to be framed as “opportunities” whereby climate modelers will see the appeal in producing additional variables and variable groups because of the research and applications they allow.  This is a chance for CORDEX to help set the stage for improved regional and local downscaling possibilities for the next decade, which will be a critical period for climate risk assessments and climate action planning around the world.


To help propose and prioritize new variables and application opportunities, please visit this Mural Board (you can log in as a visitor).  There you will find instructions for providing inputs about variable groups associated with climate model output applications that you would like to undertake in the years ahead.  We will be collecting information through mural boards for each major impacts sector (best navigated through the outline bubble button available at the top-right of the screen) as well as climate services and an ‘other’ board where you can tell us about applications that don’t fit neatly into one of those categories.  For CORDEX downscaling/modelling, we should mostly put our inputs into the ‘Misc/Other Board’. For other CORDEX activities give your input into any of the other board that is relevant. We will then collate each mural board into representative inputs to the CMIP7 data request process, which we will help write up as part of an Impacts and Adaptation Data Request paper for a CMIP7 special issue.  The more precise information you give us in the Mural Board, the better — if something is unclear we may follow up via email to clarify your requests.  It also helps to have a lot of CORDEX inputs so that our community can better motivate the global climate modelers to give us the variables we need.

We would appreciate your timely inputs, as real-time public consultation will remain open until September 8th.

Registration open – Polar CORDEX Annual meeting

The Polar CORDEX annual meeting will this year be held in Potsdam, Germany hosted by AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research). The plan is to hold the hybrid meeting starting on Wednesday 23 October at 2:00 PM and closing on Friday 25 October at 1.00 PM.

There will be 3 sessions: Arctic CORDEX, Antarctic CORDEX and Plans for 2025 plenum discussions, which we will schedule after registration. Presentations are very welcome on all aspects of Antarctic and Arctic CORDEX related research (e.g., processes, recent and future climate change, keep drivers, coupled modelling, model evaluation, multi-model intercomparisons). Time allotted is 10 minutes per presentation (depending on registration).

If you want to attend, please complete the online registration form hereDeadline to register is 15 September.

Any questions regarding the event can be sent to Annette Rinke at

The CORDEX office on vacation!

The CORDEX office is unmanned during the period of 6 July to 7 August.

For matters regarding CORDEX data access please see CORDEX data access and/or our FAQ

For other CORDEX matters please take a look at the general FAQ, contact one of our Points of Contact (POCs) or one of our Science Advisory Team (SAT) members.

For more WCRP-related matters you can turn to the WCRP secretariat

The call for nominations to CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) is now closed and the nominations are under review.
Decisions will be announced at the earliest in October.

For questions regarding the current Flagship Pilot Study call more information can be found here.
For any further information please contact one of our Science Advisory Team members.