One more Flagship Pilot Study endorsed!

The Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) proposal  entitled High-resolution downscaling of tropical cyclones in the Caribbean region (HighResTC-CAR) has been endorsed by the CORDEX Science Advisory Team! This is the fifth and final proposal from the 2024 call that is endorsed.

Under Active Flagship Pilot Studies  you can read more about all our active Flagship Pilot Studies.

RIfS and CMIP – Call for members – Joint Task Team on Responsible Data Use

RIfS is seeking experts to join a new task team dedicated to the responsible use of climate data. Engagement from the CORDEX community is highly encouraged, please consider applying!

“The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is currently the basis of a large number of efforts to plan for future climate on scales that are not always well-resolved in GCMs, often via derived products that seek to add value regarding additional processes. Given the well-established role of CMIP data, and derived products, to inform decisions at the regional scale, this task team seeks to reduce data misuse by developing recommendations for better means of documenting the limitations of CMIP model outputs for various key applications.

Expected outcome

Identify a first set of limitations that can be communicated.
Identify options for how appropriate uses and potential for misuse can be communicated to the impact and adaptation communities.
Provide recommendations, including preferred options, to the CMIP Panel and RIfS Scientific Steering Group (SSG).
Establish a preliminary framework to develop a more comprehensive response to this problem.”

Read more about the tasks and responsibilities and how to apply on the RIfS website.

Deadline 1 March 17.00 UTC.

New CORDEX logo launched!

CORDEX has now launched our new logo that was agreed by the CORDEX Science Advisory Team at the SAT meeting in September 2024.
The new logo has been developed to align with the new WCRP logo and brand identity but still keep the characteristic parts of the CORDEX logo.

The different version of the new logo can be found under Logos. We will continue to roll out the new logo over the next few weeks.
SAT member Melissa Bukovsky designed the logo using the WCRP branding and Narelle Van Der Wel at the WCRP Secretariat has kindly helped with the production.

In memoriam Linda Mearns

It is with great sadness that we from the CORDEX community have learned of the passing of Dr. Linda Mearns from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR). She was a dedicated geographer and climate scientist who was highly engaged with CORDEX since the beginning. She also led the development of the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP), the precursor to North American CORDEX. For many years, Linda served as a Point of Contact for CORDEX North America and worked hard to organize CORDEX-CMIP5 for the region. She also contributed through presentations and valuable discussions at several CORDEX conferences, including a talk on NA regional modeling at the Trieste conference in 2023 (at 8 h 15 min 30 sec).

In April 2024, NSF NCAR honoured Linda with the Mearns Symposium to celebrate the magnitude of her career impact.

Her wit, wisdom, dedication, and mentorship have left a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of knowing her, and she will be missed by many.

If you would like to share your own remembrances of Linda, please feel free to add them to this document over the next week (please note that you will need to first request edit access, but please do not hesitate to do so).  It will be published on the NSF NCAR Colleagues We Will Miss page in the near future.

New Chair and Vice-chair of the WCRP JSC

Professor Tim Naish (New Zealand) and Professor Cristiana Stan (USA) have been elected as the Chair and Vice-chair of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Joint Scientific Committee (JSC).

The elections for the two positions concluded on 27 January 2025. Read more about the new Chair and Vice-chair at the WCRP website.

Four new Flagship Pilot Studies endorsed!

The logo of CORDEX flagship Pilot Studies

We are happy to annnounce that so far four new Flagship Pilot Studies have been endorsed and will start during 2025. The new FPSs have the below titles. (Clic the link to read more about each FPS)

Australasia: Sub-Hourly Extreme Precipitation (SHEP)

Macaronesian Archipelagos: Convection Permitting projections focused on island processes (FPS-I-Mac)

Island Climate – Pacific (IC-Pac)

Enhancing climate downscaling at km-scale in sub-tropical South America using machine learning CPRCM-CMIP6 emulators


You can also read more about the Flagship Pilot Studies.