CORDEX and Monsoon Asia Integrated Research for Sustainability-Future Earth (MAIRS-FE) have earlier jointly co-organized workshops to enhance the information exchange, learning and collaboration across science disciplines in the Asia region. The next step in this collaborative effort is to organize a workshop which will take place in Beijing at PKU on 17-18 October.
The overall topic for the collaboration is on Science-Impacts-Society and Multi-scale Climate-Air-Water Nexus for Sustainable Health, Food, and Energy. For this particular workshop we will have specific emphasis on how climate change is related to air quality and water scarcity/abundance, which would consequently pose threats to public health and food and energy security. Here is the agenda including the Zoom-link for online participation.
Prior to this workshop the Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process will be held at the Suzhou Campus of Nanjing University. 14-16 October. CORDEX is co-hosting and several representatives from CORDEX will be attending the event. Read more about the Forum here.