The 8th Med-CORDEX workshop successfully held
The 8th international Med-CORDEX Workshop, locally organised by Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Rome, Italy, was a successful event. During the three days, 14-16 May 2024, about 60 participants attended onsite and some invited speakers participated online.
One of the CORDEX co-chairs, Daniela Jacob, gave a CORDEX overview online talk on the first day. There were also online talks from invited speakers Robert Vautard (IPCC-WGI co-chair) and Bart van den Hurk (IPCC-WGII co-chair).
On top of the presentations and discussions on coupled CORDEX-CMIP6 baseline runs in Med-CORDEX, there were also more original sessions such as Impact session including coastal risks and coastal cities and the Session on biogeochemical modelling.
You can read more about Med-CORDEX on their website: