Bias-adjusted CORDEX data freely available
First bias-adjusted CORDEX data now freely available
Dear CORDEX users,
We are pleased to announce that a subset of the Euro-CORDEX simulations (EUR-11 and EUR-44), bias-adjusted by a few different methods, are now openly available on ESGF under the CORDEX-Adjust project. Currently the bias-adjusted daily data for mean/max/min temperature and precipitation is available. All ESGF CORDEX users can access the data and the general CORDEX Terms of Use (unrestricted or non-commercial) apply for the bias-adjusted CORDEX RCM data.
This subset of bias-adjusted Euro-CORDEX simulations is a first step. At moment not all Euro-CORDEX simulations are bias-adjusted but work on expanding and filling the bias-adjusted Euro-CORDEX matrix is ongoing. It is also expected that bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations for other CORDEX domains will be made available in the coming months.
Information on bias-adjusted methods and on how to access the bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations can be found on the CORDEX website: “Data access” -> “Bias-adjusted RCM data”
For all groups interested to submit CORDEX simulations bias-adjusted by their bias-adjustment methods there are step-by-step instructions in “Experiment Guidelines” -> “How to submit bias-adjusted RCM data” on the CORDEX website:
We want to thank all projects and individual institutions contributing to the first release of bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations, in particular:
CLIPC – Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (FP7 EU project)
IS-ENES2 – Infrastructure for the European Network of Earth System Modelling Phase 2 (FP7 EU project)
ESGF – Earth System Grid Federation
CLIM4ENERGY – a proof-of-concept climate service for the energy sector (the Copernicus Climate Change Services)
CRESCENDO – Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach (H2020 EU project)
StaRMIP – Statistical Regionalization Models Intercomparison Project (French National Research Agency, ANR)
German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ)
Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL, France)
Meteorology Group, Universidad de Cantabria (UCAN, Spain)
National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University (NSC-LIU, Sweden)
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MetNO)
Technical University of Crete (TUC)
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)