During the Pan American Meteorological Conference (CPAM 2024) at the University of São Paulo in Brazil 19-23 August 2024 the Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) Extreme precipitation events in South-eastern South America (SESA) had a parallel meeting. The aim of the activity was to follow up on the FPS-SESA studies and to keep the work dynamics and collaboration network active. The CPAM is the largest conference in South America during 2024 and it was a great opportunity to share the FPS-SESA activities with the South American climate research community and to network.
13 participants, most of them from Argentina and Brazil, attended the meeting. Seven of them attended in person and six attended remotely including some participants from Spain and Italy.
The two-day activity was held from 21-22 August. The first day was dedicated to sharing and discussing results from the FPS-SESA initiative. Presentations of the ongoing analyses of the FPS-SESA and discussions on the degree of progress of the work were performed in the current six topics. Organization of the work and pending issues were discussed.
The second day was dedicated to advancing the structure of the publications based on the discussions during the previous day. A discussion on future collaborative research and coordinated activities was also conducted.
The main outcomes were that the topics discussed will be prepared as manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the following months. Additional calculations will be performed in order to deepen some of the analyses planned and one additional non-convection permitting simulation (at 20 km) will be conducted by the University of São Paulo group, in order to address the analysis of the added value of convection-permitting simulations in the FPS-SESA experiment.
The Flagship Pilot Study SESA started in 2017 and the main objectives of the SESA has been to study multi-scale processes and interactions (convection, local, regional and remote processes, including the co-behaviour of processes) that result in these extreme precipitation events; and to develop actionable climate information from multiple sources (statistical and dynamical downscaling products) based on co-production with the impact and user community.
You can read more about the FPS SESA here.