One year with CORDEX

Happy new year! As the new year begin let’s look back on the CORDEX news from 2023. Read, among other things, about ICRC-CORDEX 2023, Coordinated Research Activities Were Discussed at the Polar CORDEX Meeting and CORDEX at EGU23.

Happy Holidays from the International Project Office for CORDEX!

The CORDEX office will be unmanned during the period 22 December until 7 January.

For matters regarding CORDEX data access please see CORDEX data access  and/or our FAQ 

For other CORDEX matters please take a look at the general FAQ , contact one of our Points of Contacts (POCs)  or one of our Science Advisory Team (SAT) members.

For more WCRP-related matters you can turn to the WCRP secretariat

See you after the holidays!

Iréne, Lindha, Sophia & Miranda

Follow the ICRC-CORDEX2023 live on the WCRP CORDEX YouTube Channel

Can’t wait for next week’s CORDEX International Conference On Regional Climate 2023 in Trieste, Pune and online! It will be possible to see some of the conference sessions on the WCRP CORDEX Youtube Channel. Here are the links for each day:



DAY 3 (Included C1 parallel session)

DAY 3 (C2 parallel session)


The ICRC-CORDEX2023 website is updated

We are getting ready for the CORDEX International Conference On Regional Climate 2023 that starts in Trieste and Pune September 25th! The conference website is now updated with more information about the different sessions. You’ll find it under “Program” in the menu!

Less than a month to ICRC-CORDEX 2023

In less than a month the CORDEX International Conference On Regional Climate 2023 starts in Trieste and Pune!

– Regional climate researchers, decision makers and other users of regional climate information will gather for the 5th CORDEX International Conference on Regional Climate. This is an opportunity to discuss and communicate knowledge about high resolution regional climate calculations for different areas in the world, tools for these calculations, effects and applications. We want to create a meeting platform for experts and users to bridge the gap between science and society and where we can discuss how the information best can be used for informed decision and building resilience, says Iréne Lake, director for the International Project Office for CORDEX at SMHI.

The conference takes place between the 25-29 September. It is no longer possible to register, but it will be possible to follow a live stream on our Youtube channel. More information will be added to the conference website.

People are standing talking around tables.
Photo from ICRC-CORDEX2019 in Beijing.


Last week thousands of scientists joined EGU23 online and on-site in Vienna!

This year one session was convened by Filippo Giorgi and one was co-convented by Stefan Sobolowski.

Stefan Sobolowski also joined the ESA Earth Observation booth in exhibition Hall X2.

Hope that you joined us there!