Science Advisory Team

WCRP Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)

Terms of reference

Following the pioneering and successful work of the Task Force on Regional Climate Downscaling (TFRCD) which mandate ended in 2011, the WCRP established a CORDEX Science Advisory Team in 2012. The CORDEX vision is to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships. In order to achieve the CORDEX vision the Science Advisory Team (SAT) has the mandate to implement and oversee, in communication with the broader scientific community, the following tasks:

  • Advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships;
  • Maintain and update, as needed, a framework for evaluating regional climate downscaling techniques;
  • Establish and maintain protocols for CORDEX output and CORDEX archives;
  • Oversee and promote projects that advance regional downscaling;
  • Assist with coordination of WCRP research activities relevant to regional climate downscaling;
  • Promote links to other relevant programs such as WCRP core projects, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chagne (IPCC), the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS);
  • Provide advice to WCRP regarding research activities needed to support and improve regional climate science and prediction, modeling and observations.

The CORDEX-SAT is expected to report regularly at the JSC and the Working Group on Regional Climate (WGRC) meetings on the progress of its activities. Members are appointed for a 3-year term, with the possibility of 2-year extensions.

Individual SAT-members play a significant role in contributing to the SAT tasks with responsibilities including what is listed below: 

  • to contribute to the development of CORDEX strategy and goals;
  • to actively contribute to CORDEX guiding documents such as CORDEX CORE, Scientific Challenges;
  • to foster cooperation and communication on CORDEX and regional climate modeling matters where relevant;
  • to coordinate CORDEX activities (workshops, training activities, etc) and associated public outreach (news, web page, social media, etc);
  • to support resource mobilization with relevant stakeholders (development banks, funding agencies, donors, etc);
  • to interact with the various CORDEX regions and with the CORDEX Project Office;
  • to attend and contribute to SAT-meetings and other CORDEX meetings.


Name  Affiliation
F. Giorgi
Earth System Physics Section, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, ITALY
 giorgi (at)
W.  Gutowski
Iowa State University
Dept. of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Ames, Iowa, USA
Québec, CANADA
D. Jacob Climate Service Center
Hamburg, GERMANY
 daniela.jacob (at)
hyunskang (at)
S.Jayanarayanan Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology,
sanjay (at)
C. Lennard University of Cape Town
 lennard (at)
G. Nikulin Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Norrköping, SWEDEN
  grigory.nikulin (at)
S. Solman University of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
 solman (at)
T. Stephenson Univesity of West Indies
Kingston, JAMAICA
  tannecia.stephenson02 (at)
F. Tangang The National University of Malaysia
 ftangang (at)
B. Timbal National Environment Agency
  Bertrand_Timbal (at)


SAT meeting reports and other documents can be found here

Registration for Empirical Statistical Downscaling Workshop now open!

Registration for the 3rd CORDEX empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) workshop is now open for interested participants.  CORDEX ESD activities are described here.  The goals of the workshop are to advance ESD activities within CORDEX, develop means of distilling climate information from multiple sources and engage users of climate information.

The workshop will take place from 1st-3rd June 2015 at the University of Cape Town.  The registration form can be found here.

A block of hotel rooms for this workshop has been reserved until 30 April at the Doubletree Upper Eastside Hotel.  Current price is $95 per person per night, breakfast included – hotel website is found here.

Regional climate models and CORDEX at the UGM, 2 – 7 November 2014

A Special Session on Regional climate models and CORDEX at the upcoming UGM to be held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2 – 7 November 2014:

*S02: Regional climate models and CORDEX*:

For this session papers on the next topics are welcome:

  1. Implementation and validation of regional climate models over different regions — with particular emphasis on those within CORDEX framework
  2. Applicability of regional climate models in the study of extreme events (i.e. precipitation extremes, heat waves, droughts and other phenomena)
  3. Studies of VIA (vulnerability, impacts and adaptation) to climate change

The deadline for abstract submission is the 9th of August, through the UGM site:

Papers in English and Spanish will be received.

Conveners: Ruth Cerezo-Mota ( Ramón Fuentes-Franco (

2nd meeting of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT)

CORDEX SAT 150226 

The meeting report is now available for download here.

Wednesday 25th February
Time Agenda Item Presenter
13.30 Welcome address Rolf Brennerfelt, SMHI GD
13.40 Meeting arrangements/logistics Eleanor O’Rourke
13.45 Introduction Co-chairs
Session 1: Updates from the CORDEX domains Chair: Eleanor O’Rourke
13.55 CORDEX South East Asia Fredolin Tangang
14.05 CORDEX South Asia Krishnan Raghavan
14.15   North AmericaArctic and Antarctic CORDEX Bill Gutowski
14.30 Central America CORDEX Tannecia Stephenson
14.40 South America CORDEX Silvina Solman
14.50 MENA-CORDEX and Central Asia CORDEX Grigory Nikulin
15.00 Australasia CORDEX Bertrand Timbal
15.10 CORDEX Africa Chris Lennard
15.20 CORDEX East Asia Hyun-Suk Kang
15.30 Coffee
16.00 EURO-CORDEX Daniela Jacob
16.10 MED-CORDEX Filippo Giorgi
Session 2: Wider updates and CORDEX scope Chair: Bill Gutowski
16.20 WCRP/CORDEX updates Michel Rixen
16.35 Update on WGRC and Grand Challenges Clare Goodess
16.55 IPOC – its role and goals Eleanor O’Rourke
17.10 CORDEX Phase II scope Bill Gutowski
18.00 Discussion All
19.30 Dinner at Lagerqvist Restaurant
Thursday 26th February
Time Agenda Item Presenter
Session 3: CORDEX Issues Chair: Eleanor O’Rourke
09.00 Data policy, formats and archives Grigory Nikulin
09.30 Statistical downscaling plus ESD roadmap v2 Bertrand Timbal
10.00 Domains, updates, selection criteria and acceptance protocol + domain specification proposal document Bill Gutowski
10.30 Discussion All
11.00 Coffee  
Session 4: The Future of CORDEX Chair: Bill Gutowski
11.30 Flagship pilot studies including discussion Filippo Giorgi
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Discussion of strategic development of CORDEX towards Phase II protocol within the changing WCRP landscape Bill Gutowski
15.30 CORDEX MIP Discussion and how to transfer CORDEX knowledge to the Global Modelling community Bill Gutowski
16.00 Coffee
16.30 Second CORDEX Conference – Stockholm, June 2016 Eleanor O’Rourke
16.45 Outreach and communication (website and newsletter) Eleanor O’Rourke
17.30 Current status of fundraising and future prospects: WCRP & IPOC Michel Rixen & Eleanor O’Rourke
18.00 General discussion on CORDEX Phase II All
Friday 27th February
Time Agenda Item Presenter
Session 5: SAT Business Chair: Filippo Giorgi
09.00 Decision making process, internal communication & interaction with the IPOC Filippo Giorgi
09.30 Interactions with WGRC and end users Bill Gutowski
10.00 Agreements/Partnerships with relevant projects and initiatives  Eleanor O’Rourke
10.15 Membership issues Eleanor O’Rourke
10.30 Review of action items – key priority actions Co-chairs
11.00 Next meeting and closing discussion Filippo Giorgi
12.00 End of meeting