CORDEX input to CMIP7 Data request: Phase 1 Community Consultation

As part of CORDEX role in the Seventh Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7) Impacts and Adaptation Data Request Author Team, we wanted to alert you to the ongoing public request that will determine the variables produced and made available in the next generation of climate model intercomparisons.  CMIP7 is looking for inputs on variable priorities as well as proposals for new variables that would facilitate new areas of research and application.  These represent requests to the climate modeling groups that will have to put in work to produce, process, and make these outputs available for use in our work.  CMIP7 is encouraging requests to be framed as “opportunities” whereby climate modelers will see the appeal in producing additional variables and variable groups because of the research and applications they allow.  This is a chance for CORDEX to help set the stage for improved regional and local downscaling possibilities for the next decade, which will be a critical period for climate risk assessments and climate action planning around the world.


To help propose and prioritize new variables and application opportunities, please visit this Mural Board (you can log in as a visitor).  There you will find instructions for providing inputs about variable groups associated with climate model output applications that you would like to undertake in the years ahead.  We will be collecting information through mural boards for each major impacts sector (best navigated through the outline bubble button available at the top-right of the screen) as well as climate services and an ‘other’ board where you can tell us about applications that don’t fit neatly into one of those categories.  For CORDEX downscaling/modelling, we should mostly put our inputs into the ‘Misc/Other Board’. For other CORDEX activities give your input into any of the other board that is relevant. We will then collate each mural board into representative inputs to the CMIP7 data request process, which we will help write up as part of an Impacts and Adaptation Data Request paper for a CMIP7 special issue.  The more precise information you give us in the Mural Board, the better — if something is unclear we may follow up via email to clarify your requests.  It also helps to have a lot of CORDEX inputs so that our community can better motivate the global climate modelers to give us the variables we need.

We would appreciate your timely inputs, as real-time public consultation will remain open until September 8th.