CORDEX Science Advisory Team is inviting to open meeting
To be transparent within the organisation and to keep the community engaged CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) would like to invite all CORDEX Points of Contact and Flagship Pilot Studies PIs to attend the SAT meeting on the 22 September. SAT will inform the community about the current work within CORDEX, future plans and there will be time to ask questions.
Below you find a summary of the items discussed during the meeting.
- Welcome and introduction
All the SAT-members, POCs and FPS PIs introduced themselves.
- How SAT works
Discusses the most urgent CORDEX issues and also how CORDEX is positioned within WCRP. There are many topics of importance for CORDEX scientific progress, CORDEX experimental design and more operational activities.
The Open SAT meeting is one way to get the various activities in the different CORDEX domains better integrated and an idea is to form working groups for different topics.
Note; After the meeting there has for instance been a wider WCRP community discussing the new Regional Information for Society Home where CORDEX is included.
- POC responsibilities and possibilities
Terms of Reference for Points of Contacts:
CORDEX community, where POCs have an important role, can help bridge the gap in providing actionable climate information to society. It is also important to share lessons learnt and best practices within and across domains.
Note; During the meeting participants were informaed about the WCRP Regional Consultations/Climate Research Forums where POCs and other local/regional contacts play a central role. The first Forum, Oceania, was held in february.
- CORDEX White Paper
The idea is to highlight the future of CORDEX in terms of scientific challenges. It has been circualted for comments which will be answered and considered. The White Paper will be a living document.
Note; The White paper will be published on the web soon.
- CMIP6 Downscaling Experiment Design
The draft CORDEX protocol for dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 has been circulated in the community and many have contributed to the document. Over hundred comments have been received and this meeting discussed resolution, variables, archiving etc.
Note; The Second Order Draft has since been circulated and comments are now being considered.
- Simulation updates document online
The overview of all CORDEX simulations is being updated, this is a parallel work with the IPCC Atlas.
Note; The overview was published on the CORDEX web in December.
- FPSs and requirements to be/stay endorsed Follow-up and reporting practices
There are presently 9 endorsed FPSs and seven new propsals were filed at the recent call. They are very valuable for pushing CORDEX in the frontline of the activities of regional science and it is also important that the FPSs follow the guidelines.
Note; New FPSs have been endorsed since the meeting. See more on the FPSs here.
- The new WCRP
With the new WCRP reconstruction the Core Projects will most probably be called Homes. Grand Challenges will be dawned and instead there will be the new Lighthouse Activites (LHA); My Climate Risk, Explaining and Prediction Earth System Change, Safe Landing Climates, Digital Earths and WCRP Academy. The WCRP issued calls for self-nominations to the grousp working with elaborating the LHAs.
Where do CORDEX fit here – a bit unclear and an opportunity. There were lots of discussion around this topic and it is important that the CORDEX community is involved.
Note; The Homes and LHAs has since developed.. CORDEX will be part of the Home regional Information for Society (RIfS). More information on the structure and Homes can be found here and on the LHAs here.
- Thanks from co-chairs