Many IPCC AR6 authors within the CORDEX community

A number of scientists who are part of the CORDEX community have been nominated and selected as lead authors for the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report.

Members of CORDEX Science Advisory Team, Points of Contact and PIs of Flagship Pilot Studies are lead authors in 5 chapters within thr Workgroup I (WGI).  José Manuel Gutierrez and Gemma Teresa Narisma are Coordinating Lead Authors (CLA) in the Atlas chapter, Deliang Chen is CLA in Chapter 1, Francois Engelbrecht is Lead Author (LA) in chapter 4, William J Gutowski Jr, Tannecia Stephenson and Fredolin Tangang are Lead Authors in chapter 10, Erika Coppola is LA in chapter 12. In addition to this Christopher Lennard is LA in WG II chapter 9 and Daniela Jacob was CLA for chapter 3 in the Special Report on Global Warming of 1,5°C in which Francois Engelbrecht was LA. There has also been a lot of contributing authors from the CORDEX community  to the different special reports for the AR6.

You can find the list of authors  in Working Group I here

Following up on this a series of articles about some of the authors from the CORDEX community will be publish.

The first article has been published 2 June
Read more about William J Gutowski Jr here

In addition to this regional climate simulations generated within CORDEX  will be used in the AR6.