Task Force on Regional Ocean Climate Projections
The Regional ocean modelling and climate projections task force is a joint initiative
from WCRP CLIVAR – OMDP (Ocean Model Development Panel) and RIfS – CORDEX
(Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment).
Why a task force on regional ocean modelling and climate projections?
- Identified needs to provide refined regional information (physics, biogeochemistry,
sea-ice) on the past, present and future marine and coastal environments, aligned
with the scales relevant for society’s decision context and to support ocean climate
services and climate adaptation measures - Most coupled global climate models will not be able to run at high-resolution (i.e.,
1/10 of degree in the ocean) in the next decade, leaving a clear gap for dynamical
downscaling approaches (e.g. ocean regional climate models, coupled regional
climate models) to fill - Need to improve regional ocean representation in CORDEX as oceanic areas and
ocean models are currently under-represented - International coordination of regional ocean modelling and climate projections is
Task Force Mission:
The task force will develop a strategic plan for a longer-term WCRP initiative which will aim
- Coordinate regional ocean climate projections (physics, biogeochemistry, sea-ice)
worldwide by developing coordinated simulation protocols and by delivering
standardized datasets - Advance the science of regional ocean climate modelling and projections, including
through multi-model assessments, identification of robust biases and underlying
processes - Engage a large community of regional ocean modelers and model users to provide a
forum for sharing knowledge and experience across domains - Serve the climate impact and adaptation needs by engaging with relevant
users/stakeholders and by providing data and expertise to ocean climate services - Contribute to expert assessment reports (e.g., IPCC-AR7, national or regional
assessment reports)

Samuel Somot samuel.somot@meteo.fr
Angélique Melet amelet@mercator-ocean.fr
Name | Affiliation and links |
Samuel Somot (coordinator) |
CNRM, Météo-France, France. Member of the Med-CORDEX steering committee, Mediterranea Sea, coupled RCMs |
Angélique Melet (coordinator) |
Mercator Ocean, France, member of CLIVAR OMDP, coordinator of the EC Horizon SEACLIM project (European SEAs CLIMate impact prediction through regional models, 2025-2028). Regional ocean climate projections for the northeastern Atlantic |
Marine Herrmann | LEGOS, France and USTH, Hanoi, Vietnam/Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Link to CORDEX South-East Asia |
Sheila Estrada | CICESE, Mexico. Regional modelling for the Gulf of Mexico. Link to CORDEX Central America. |
Markus Meier | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), Germany. Chair of the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group and Co-Chair of the Joint Baltic Earth – HELCOM Expert Network on Climate Change. Regional climate projections, marine ecosystems, climate information |
Andrew Orr | BAS, UK. Polar regions. Link to Polar-CORDEX |
Marcus Thatcher | CSIRO, Australia. CORDEX Science Advisory Team member |
Dorotea Iovino | CMCC Foundation, Italy. Co-chair of CLIVAR OMDP. Link to CLIVAR NORP and SORP. Polar Oceans |
Shogo Urakawa | Meteorological Research Institute/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan. Member of CLIVAR OMDP |
Jason Holt | NOC, UK. Regional ocean projections, incl. BGC, European NW Shelf. UN Decade FLAME project |
Xuebin Zhang | CSIRO, Australia. Regional ocean climate projections, sea-level rise. Former member of CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel |
Elizabeth Drenkard | GFDL, USA. Regional climate projections, marine ecosystems |