Task Force on Regional Ocean Climate Projections


The Regional ocean modelling and climate projections task force is a joint initiative
from WCRP CLIVAROMDP (Ocean Model Development Panel) and RIfSCORDEX
(Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment).

Why a task force on regional ocean modelling and climate projections?

  • Identified needs to provide refined regional information (physics, biogeochemistry,
    sea-ice) on the past, present and future marine and coastal environments, aligned
    with the scales relevant for society’s decision context and to support ocean climate
    services and climate adaptation measures
  • Most coupled global climate models will not be able to run at high-resolution (i.e.,
    1/10 of degree in the ocean) in the next decade, leaving a clear gap for dynamical
    downscaling approaches (e.g. ocean regional climate models, coupled regional
    climate models) to fill
  • Need to improve regional ocean representation in CORDEX as oceanic areas and
    ocean models are currently under-represented
  • International coordination of regional ocean modelling and climate projections is

Task Force Mission:

The task force will develop a strategic plan for a longer-term WCRP initiative which will aim

  • Coordinate regional ocean climate projections (physics, biogeochemistry, sea-ice)
    worldwide by developing coordinated simulation protocols and by delivering
    standardized datasets
  • Advance the science of regional ocean climate modelling and projections, including
    through multi-model assessments, identification of robust biases and underlying
  • Engage a large community of regional ocean modelers and model users to provide a
    forum for sharing knowledge and experience across domains
  • Serve the climate impact and adaptation needs by engaging with relevant
    users/stakeholders and by providing data and expertise to ocean climate services
  • Contribute to expert assessment reports (e.g., IPCC-AR7, national or regional
    assessment reports)


Samuel Somot samuel.somot@meteo.fr
Angélique Melet amelet@mercator-ocean.fr


Name Affiliation and links
Samuel Somot
CNRM, Météo-France, France. Member of the Med-CORDEX
steering committee, Mediterranea Sea, coupled RCMs
Angélique Melet
Mercator Ocean, France, member of CLIVAR OMDP, coordinator
of the EC Horizon SEACLIM project (European SEAs CLIMate impact prediction through regional models, 2025-2028). Regional ocean climate projections for the northeastern Atlantic
Marine Herrmann LEGOS, France and USTH, Hanoi, Vietnam/Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand. Link to CORDEX South-East Asia
Sheila Estrada CICESE, Mexico. Regional modelling for the Gulf of Mexico. Link to CORDEX Central America.
Markus Meier Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW),
Germany. Chair of the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group and Co-Chair of the Joint Baltic Earth – HELCOM Expert Network on Climate Change. Regional climate projections, marine ecosystems, climate information
Andrew Orr BAS, UK. Polar regions. Link to Polar-CORDEX
Marcus Thatcher CSIRO, Australia. CORDEX Science Advisory Team member
Dorotea Iovino CMCC Foundation, Italy. Co-chair of CLIVAR OMDP. Link to CLIVAR
NORP and SORP. Polar Oceans
Shogo Urakawa Meteorological Research Institute/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan. Member of CLIVAR OMDP
Jason Holt NOC, UK. Regional ocean projections, incl. BGC, European NW Shelf. UN Decade FLAME project
Xuebin Zhang CSIRO, Australia. Regional ocean climate projections, sea-level rise.
Former member of CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel
Elizabeth Drenkard GFDL, USA. Regional climate projections, marine ecosystems