CORDEX at the WCRP OSC 2023

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At the WCRP Open Science Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, in October CORDEX organized two side events, one for CORDEX Africa and another together with CMIP titled CMIP AND CORDEX ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION TOOLS and an overview of CORDEX was presented at the OSC Forum.


The CORDEX Africa session aimed for climate experts and climate stakeholders to meet and interact and exchange knowhow and experiences.

Chris Lennard from University of Cape Town gave a short overview of CORDEX Africa followed by short pitches from representatives from different socio-economic sectors such as agriculture, energy, health etc. After that the participants circulated between round table discussions on the challenges each sector faces and specific burning issues for various African regions.

We wanted to identify pressing needs, challenges and possibilities and to help close the gap between the research community/climate information producers and the climate information users with focus on Africa. The CORDEX Africa domain will follow up on the outcomes of this session and continue to work with this during 2024.

The full report from the session can be found here:
CORDEX Africa report

CMIP and CORDEX Analysis and Evaluation Tools

At the second side event co-organized with CMIP on CMIP and CORDEX Analysis and Evaluation Tools we aimed at showcasing some of the tools that are developed for the CMIP and CORDEX analysis and evaluation and demonstrating their main uses, advantages and limitations.
The session included pitch presentations on each tool to help the participants decide which tools they were most interested in and to foster further discussions in the following round table discussions. The participants shared their experience of the specific tools and there were vivid discussions around the tables. At the end the conveners wrapped up the session with a short summary.

The full report from the session can be found here:
CMIP and CORDEX Analysis and Evaluation Tools

OSC Forum

One of the CORDEX co-chairs, Silvina Solman gave a presentation of CORDEX during the OSC Forum. She gave an overview of CORDEX including the Flagship Pilot Studies and also a summary of the outcome from the International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC-CORDEX 2023) held the month before.