How to submit bias-adjusted CORDEX-CMIP5 RCM data

Completed – No more submissions for CORDEX-CMIP5 are expected.
For CORDEX-CMIP6 go to:

Step 1: Registration

Firstly, groups submitting bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations can check whether they are already registered and the information concerning details of bias-adjusted datasets is available and correct in the CORDEX bias adjustment list. (no longer valid) for more details.

If your group is not included in this list then you should register by contacting CORDEX-ESD registration list ( (no longer valid) with the following information:

  1. Full institution name
  2. Short institution name (acronym)
  3. Contact person and e-mail
  4. Full name of bias adjustment method
  5. Short name of bias adjustment method (acronym)
  6. Reference to bias adjustment method
  7. Full name of the software package including version number, if available
  8. Observational datasets used for bias adjustment
  9. CORDEX domains with bias-adjusted simulations
  10. Terms of Use: unrestricted or non-commercial only

Step 2: Submitting bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations for publishing on ESGF

If a group has its own ESGF data node it is presumed that the group will publish its own bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations on that node.

All groups who have no agreement (within projects or any other kind of cooperation) with one of the CORDEX-ESGF data nodes should contact CORDEX-ESD registration ( providing information about the bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations to be published. They will then be directed to one of the CORDEX-ESGF data nodes and will receive instructions on how to transfer their bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations.

Step 3: Format and Quality Control

All bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations have to be formatted according to the  CORDEX archive specifications and to the  CORDEX variables requirement tables with bias-adjustment-related modifications described in the Data Reference Syntax (DRS) for bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations . Before publication on a CORDEX-ESGF data node the data will undergo strict quality control (QC).