Domain activties 2024
Region 1:
South America

Scientific highlights
ESD: The University of Buenos Aires team has an active collaboration with the University of Cantabria team working on deep-learning ESD over South of South America. The rapid growth of the application of machine learning techniques as ESD techniques has motivated many research groups in South America. CMIP6-ESD protocol offers an important opportunity to foster coordination and collaboration within the SAM ESD community. The generation of a regional bias-corrected dataset of climate impact indices in South America based on CORDEX-CORE simulations is being constructed. This task is led by Rocio Balmaceda Huarte from University of Buenos Aires and Ana Casanueva PI from University of Cantabria. RCM: There is a concern in the community about the CMIP6-RCM simulations for the SAM domain. The lack of resources, mainly storage capacity and post processing, is an obstacle for the SAM community for conducting the simulations. The University of Sao Paulo in collaboration with the ICTP plans to conduct CMIP6-RegCM5 simulations for the SAM domain.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
Session ST06 "Regional climate downscaling:techniques and applications in the present and future climate scenarios" at the "Pan-American Conference of Meteorology" in São Paulo, Brazil, in 19-23 August 2024, Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha,Silivina Solman CPAM sponsors
Mini-Course “Statistical downscaling techniques” 25-26 March 2024 - CAPES-PRINT DCA-IAG-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (29 participants in person+online) Maria Laura Bettolli CAPES-PRINT DCA-IAG-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
FPS-SESA: Follow-up meeting, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 21-22 August 2024 Maria Laura Bettolli CORDEX. This EGU24 Abstract is part of the CORDEX-FPS-SESA results:
Some pictures of the FPS-SESA: Follow-up meeting, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 2:
Central America

Scientific highlights
- This year a publication on the results from statistically downscaled data for the Central American countries and Dominican Republic was published as a book chapter in an annual report from the Superior Council of the Central American countries (CSUCA in Spanish), part of the Central American Integration System (SICA in Spanish).
The article obtained the first place award of the respective call for papers. The downscaled data is originally in monthly time steps,but the daily data were also computed for selected subregions including the Yucatan peninsula and the Panama canal basins.
-With colleagues from CORDEX-CAM and SAM domains, Dr. Cavazos led a publication on the“Challenges for climate change adaptation in Latin American and the Caribbean” in Frontiers inClimate. The article was part of the WCRP/Concept Papers. In this article we mentioned the CORDEX activities in the region.
- Colleagues from CORDEX-CAM and SAM contributed to a publication “Regional climate change:consensus, discrepancies and way forward” which was part of the WCRP Concept Papers. Thearticle referenced the (general) CORDEX initiative.
-Two collaborative articles between scientists of CORDEX CAM and SAM were published thisyear as a result of the Online Paper Workshop on CORDEX held during the pandemia(Gramcianinov et al., 2024 and Portalanza et al., 2024).
- Several regional climate application articles were published using CORDEX simulations(droughts, viticulture, floods: Andrade-Gómez and Cavazos, 2024; Castillo et al., 2023;Hernandez Garcia et al., 2024; Hidalgo et al. 2024).
- We organized a special session at the annual meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) to support the new task force on oceans
- In CICESE, Mexico, we started to implement the RegESM in CORDEX-CAM with the collaboration of Erika Coppola and Ricardo Farnetti. The leader in CICESE is Luisa Andrade Gómez.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
SE17 Climatic modeling of the Mexican seas: Where we are and where to go, RAUGM 2024, Oct-Nov 2024, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We had a first special session related to the CORDEX Ocean Task Force,
to know the ocean modeling community in Mexico and who are interested in doing climate ocean downscaling. ,
Paulina Cetina, Sheila Estrada Allis (member of the Ocean Task Force), Karina Ramos, and Tereza Cavazos, Funder CICES
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 3:
North America

Scientific Highlights
Simulation status:

Data distribution
Ouranos’ data : CRCM5-CMIP6, daily, 3-hourly and hourly via Thrdds
Many presentations including the following:
AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington DC, 10 december 2024
Orals :
-The Selection of Driving Models for Regional Simulations: What if Some Marriages Were Less Happy than Others? Dominique Paquin
-Advancements and Insights from NA-CORDEX: Over a Decade of North American Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling. Melissa S Bukovsky
-NA-CORDEX-CMIP6: Current Overview and Updates in North American Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling. Rachel Rose McCrary
- Navigating the world of climate services: how to optimally combine the joint use of regional and global simulations. Dominique Paquin et al.
Vienna, Austria, 15 April 2024, EGU Solicited
- Examining systematic improvements in regional climate models via run-time empirical bias correction of GCM driving data Dominic Matte
- Reducing Snow Amount Uncertainty in CMIP6 PanCanadian Climate Projection. Dominic Matte et. al.
-Exploring Unprecedented Extremes workshop: challenges and perspectives; Dominic Matte et. al.
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 4:
Europe ( EURO)

Scientific highlights
Ongoing CMIP6/EURO-CORDEX simulations
Contribution to CORDEX-CORE2
Formation of Task Force on:
Preparation for CORDEX-CMIP7
Convection: complete, data now available on ESGF
Land Use and Climate Across Scales: complete, still active
URBan environments and Regional Climate Change: ongoing
New endorsed FPS on Island processes in the Macaronesian archipelagos (FPS-I-Mac)
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
-EURO-CORDEX General Assembly (hybrid) 23-25/1/2024, GERICS Hamburg PoCs
-EURO-CORDEX distillation workshop, attached to the EURO-CORDEX GA on 25/1/2024 Sven Kotlarski, Lola Corre, Jesus Fernandez, Douglas Maraun
-EURO-CORDEX meeting on Convection-permitting simulations (online, ~14 participants) 12/3/2024 Follow up meeting after the one held in 2023, to discuss the strategy towards CP simulations over Europe and how to best contribute to the upcoming CORDEX Task Force on this topic. Stefan Sobolowski
-Launch of the EURO-CORDEX joint evaluation exercise (online meeting with ~40 participants), 23/09/2024 Sven Kotlarski, Claas Teichmann
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 5:

Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
-On 26 June 2024 CORDEX Africa held a strategic meeting online with 20 persons attending, all involved in the CORDEX Africa community in different ways. The objectives for this meeting were to outline priorities for future activities and make a draft master plan for the coming years.
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
In CORDEX Africa two additional POCs have joined us, Amira Nasser Mostafa and Rondrotiana Barimalala, to ensure that the big domain has representatives from the entire continent. Amira represents North Africa and Rondrotiana represents the African Islands.
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 6:
South Asia

Scientific highlights
1) CORDEX CMIP6 data simulation is completed, and the data CMORization and publication procedure has been initiated and is in process. This is being done by IITM, Pune.
- The 27km IITM high-resolution model shows significant improvement in simulating the mean and variabilities of South Asian climate.
- The model is capable of capturing the tropical cyclone over the north Indian Ocean during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons.
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 7:
East Asia

Scientific highlights
Improve CORDEX-EA home page (
- Add “atlas” page to provide an easy-to-understand map of future projection in East Asian region due to different GHG pathways.
- The climate variables displayed in this Atlas are implemented using CMIP6 global model data and downscaled data sets (CORDEX-EA Phase I and II data) on the East Asian region.
- Sharing of research outcomes on future assessment of change in East Asian climate based on SSP-driven regional climate projections through participation in AOGS
- Publications of 5 papers related to East Asian climate change based on analysis of CORDEX-EA data sets.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
AOGS2024: AS65-Regional Climate Downscaling and CORDEX: Challenges and Prospects, date: 26 Jul, 2024, location: PyeongChang, South Korea
website: Prof. Dong-Hyun Cha, Dr. Faye Abigail Cruz, Prof. Koji Dairaku, Prof. Jason Evans, Prof. Shuyu Wang
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 8:
Central Asia

Scientific highlights
The achievements for the Central Asia domain are highlighted below.
Collaboration with Wyomi University
In 2024, Stefan Rahimi and Callie Merissa Berman from the University of Wyoming collaborated with Shaukat Ali and Michelle to promote the dissemination of CORDEX activities in the Central Asia domain and support efforts to conduct climate projections for the region. This team has been holding regular online meetings to plan a workshop in Central Asia for 2025 and provide capacity-building opportunities for undergraduate, master's, and PhD students interested in climate modeling.
During these meetings, professors from Central Asia were also invited to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to regional climate downscaling initiatives.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process, 14 - 16 November 2024, Suzhou - China. Presentation on studies conducted for the CORDEX South America and Central Asia domains Michelle Reboita (invited speaker) Nanjing University/CORDEX
CORDEX - MAIRS-FE Joint Workshop: Musti-scale climate-air-water nexus for sustainable health, food and energy, 17 - 18 November 2024, Beijing - China, coordinator of the break-out section “Climate Downscaling Data to Support Energy Security” Michelle Reboita Nanjing University/CORDEX/ Peking University
Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process, 14 - 16 November 2024, Suzhou - China. Presentation on “Science to policy communication of regional climate projects” Shaukat Ali (invited speaker) Nanjing University/CORDEX
CORDEX - MAIRS-FE Joint Workshop: Musti-scale climate-air-water nexus for sustainable health, food and energy, 17 - 18 November 2024, Beijing - China, coordinator of the break-out section “Climate Downscaling Data to Support Energy Security” Presentation on “Science to policy communication of regional climate projects” Shaukat Ali(invited speaker) Nanjing University/CORDEX/ Peking University
Seminar on Science Communication, 06 June 2024, Itajubá-Brazil, informing students how to communicate science Shaukat Ali Universidade Federal de Itajubá
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 9:

Scientific highlights
- CORDEX Australasia workshop at AMOS 2023 (Canberra)
- Production of CMIP6 CORDEX Australasia projection datasets from four modelling groups in the region. 16 GCMs x 5 RCMs. See
- Convective scale simulations for Southeast Australia.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
CORDEX Australasia workshop Jason Evans, Marcus Thatcher Conference venue provided by AMOS 2023
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
-National Partnership for Climate Projections (NPCP) has provided coordination of State and Federal governments and research organisations for the production of regional projections within the CORDEX framework.
-Working with Australian Climate Service to provide useful data including for the Australian National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA)
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 10:
Region 11:

Scientific highlights
Work led by the British Antarctic Survey (Gilbert et al., 2024) used a mini-ensemble of regional atmospheric models at 1 km resolution to investigate two case-studies (summer and winter cases) of an atmospheric river (AR) interacting with West Antarctica, and especially Thwaites Ice Shelf and Pine Island Ice Shelf. The models used were MetUM, Polar-WRF, and HCLIM. Estimates of snowfall associated with both events from all three model simulations compared well against observed snow height measurements over Thwaites Ice Shelf. Outputs from the simulations also show that the ARs may be associated with several millimeters of rain in both the summer and winter cases, although in the absence of in situ measurements of rainfall, this result cannot be directly verified. The occurrence of rain over snow-covered ice shelves are drastic, as they darken the surface and can amplify melting that in turn leads to more warming. The simulations suggest that rainfall during these events can fall directly as supercooled drizzle, but also that rainfall is concentrated around steep terrain due to the interaction of ARs with complex orography. This work therefore highlights that kilometer-scale models are useful tools to investigate the total precipitation amount and its partitioning into rain and snow over this globally important and climatically sensitive region, and the critical need for in situ observations of rainfall.
The Polar CORDEX community held another great meeting this year, and this time in Potsdam! There was a good mix of presentations on the latest scientific and modelling advances in the Arctic and Antarctic.
A highlight from this year’s meeting was the development of an ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) downscaling of two CMIP6 models over the Arctic CORDEX and Antarctic CORDEX domains.
Initial results on model performance shows great potential for the ensemble and it is expected that there will be more exciting results from this ensemble at next year’s meeting.
Work is now underway to publish the data on ESGF nodes. Other highlights from our meeting include progress on existing model intercomparison studies.
This includes a study on cloud-aerosol interactions and cloud microphysics in the Arctic that links with MOSAiC. More plans have been developed for future multi-model studies using the new ensembles.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
-Annual Polar CORDEX meeting, 23-25 October, AWI, Potsdam, Germany A. Rinke, A. Orr, P. Mooney CORDEX, CliC
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
It was announced at this year’s annual meeting that Annette Rinke (AWI) will be resigning from her role as coordinator of Polar CORDEX. Annette has been a coordinator of Polar CORDEX since its inception in 2013, and has been pivotal in building a vibrant and strong Polar CORDEX community.
The community is very grateful to Annette for her tireless work coordinating and leading our downscaling activities.
At the meeting, we were also delighted to announce that Priscilla A. Mooney (NORCE, Bjerknes Centre) will join the coordination team and we look forward to continuing the success of Polar CORDEX with the new coordination team.
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 12:
MED Mediterranean

Scientific highlights
“Med-CORDEX is an open club of Mediterranean climate model developers and users, self-organized
and based on voluntary efforts. It is currently endorsed by WCRP CORDEX, Med-CLIVAR and MedECC.”
Med-CORDEX-CMIP6 simulations:
- The updated version of the Med-CORDEX-CMIP6 related documents have been published on the
Med-CORDEX community page in zenodo It includes
the simulation protocol; the lists of the participating institutes, participating models, evaluation
simulations and scenario simulations; the variable lists for the atmosphere, land surfaces, river,
aerosol and ocean components of the regional climate systems; as well as the rendering of the
specific task forces (GCM selection, ocean spin-up).
- Currently, 9 modelling institutes are participating to the current phase of CORDEX for the
Mediterranean domain, all with coupled regional climate system models. So far, Med-CORDEX has
produced 4 evaluation simulations driven by atmospheric and ocean reanalyses, and 5 SSP-based
scenario simulations driven by 3 different GCMs.
Med-CORDEX dissemination:
- In addition to the community zenodo page gathering the grey literature produced by Med-CORDEX,
the community has published 8 peer-reviewed articles in 2024 based on Med-CORDEX simulations.
This includes an illustration of the use of Med-CORDEX coupled simulations to develop climate
services for the tourism sector (de la Vara et al. 2024) and the study of the plausible future evolution
of key Mediterranean marine ecosystems such as harmful algea (Fabri-Ruiz et al. 2024) and
commercial fish species (Panzeri et al. 2024). Find more
- The first new CMIP6-downscaled Med-CORDEX simulations have been used for the first time in 2024
in 3 articles : Rusu (2024), Anav et al. (2024), Parras-Berrocal et al. (accepted)
Med-CORDEX communication
- You can join the Med-CORDEX Steering Committee using
- S. Somot gave an overview talk of the Med-CORDEX activities since its creation in 2009 during the
CORDEX-SAT meeting in Santander in Sept 2024. Find the slides on zenodo
8thMed-CORDEX workshop, Roma, Italy, May 2024
- The 8th Med-CORDEX workshop was hosted by ENEA in Roma in May 2024. It gathers representatives
of all the modelling groups and a total of 63 participants from a large diversity of institutes and
countries. After an introduction session including the presentation of Daniela Jacob (CORDEX cochair), the main sessions were dedicated to the CORDEX-CMIP6 Baseline runs, the IPCC coming
activities with presentations by Robert Vautard and Bart van der Hurk (co-chairs of the IPCC-WGI and
WGII), to the coastal risks and coastal cities, to the artificial intelligence in climate and to the ocean
biogeochemical modelling. More information here:
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
8th Med-CORDEX workshop Med-CORDEX Steering Committee ENEA, CNRS
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
The long-term development and scientific applications of fully-coupled RCMs (also called RCSM or
RESM) in Med-CORDEX has certainly contributed to design the new Task Force on ocean modelling
and climate projections launched by CORDEX in 2024
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024
Region 13:
MENA Middle East Norrh Africa

Scientific highlights
No activities during 2024
Region 14:
SEA Southeast Asia

Scientific highlights
In 2024, the CORDEX Southeast Asia (CORDEX-SEA) team focused on these main activities: (1) CMIP6
downscaling experiments, and (2) training and stakeholder workshops, and test simulations as part of the CARE
for SEA megacities (Climatic hazard Assessment to enhance Resilience against climate Extremes for Southeast
Asian megacities) project.
1) CMIP6 downscaling experiments
The CMIP6 downscaling experiments, which started in 2022, are being completed in coordination with
collaborators. There is ongoing coordination regarding data sharing and planned analysis of model output.
2) CARE for SEA megacities project
Started in October 2023, the CARE for SEA megacities project is the latest project of CORDEX-SEA, funded by
the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN). It aims to generate city-scale climate hazard
information for SEA megacities under multiple scenarios, with the goal of being policy-relevant through
engagements with local policymakers and stakeholders.
A 3-day training workshop was conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last 14-16 May 2024, with support from
APN and WCRP CORDEX, and hosted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) with the Manila
Observatory (Philippines) as co-organizer. The workshop included both lectures from invited experts and
hands-on sessions to build the capacity of researchers in statistical and urban climate downscaling. Subsequent
activities of the project included updating of the land cover to be used in the models, and test simulations, as
part of model tuning for each city.
On 26-28 November 2024, a special session for CARE for SEA megacities and CORDEX-SEA was held as part of
the 4th International Vietnam Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences (iVCEES-2024) in Quy Nhon,
Vietnam, with support from APN, WCRP CORDEX, Rencontres du Vietnam, and ICISE. Hosted by the University
of Science and Technology of Hanoi (Vietnam) with Manila Observatory (Philippines) as co-organizer, the
session provided a platform for the collaborators and partners of the CARE for SEA megacities and CORDEX-SEA
to share updates and initial results of their downscaling activities, engage in discussions with stakeholders, and
identify opportunities for collaboration.
Summary of each workshop/activity held during the year
CARE for SEA megacities: Training workshop 14-16 May 2024; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Liew Juneng, Fredolin Tangang, Faye Cruz, Julie Mae Dado, Jing Xiang Chung,Quang Van Doan, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Jennifer Tibay, Ester Salimun APN, WCRP CORDEX
CARE for SEA megacities and CORDEX-SEA: A Special Session in the iVCEES-2024 26-28 November 2024; Quy Nhon, Vietnam Thanh Ngo-Duc, Faye Cruz, Julie Mae Dado, Nguyen Thi Tra, Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Jennifer Tibay, Nguyen-Xuan Thanh APN, WCRP CORDEX, Rencontres du Vietnam, ICIS
Online meetings of CORDEX-SEA Council (1 Feb 2024; 26 Mar 2024; 30 May 2024; 16 Aug 2024; 26 Sep 2024; 28 Nov 2024) F Cruz, J Santisirisomboon, TNgo-Duc, L Juneng, Q Van Doan, JM Dado, JX Chung, D
Permana, T Nguyen-Xuan, P Singhruck, F Tangang, T PhanVan, D Gunawan, A Jintrawet, E Aldrian
Any other positive news or stories from your domain during the year
Addition of Prof Edvin Aldrian as senior adviser to the CORDEX-SEA Council
● Presentation of CORDEX-SEA initiatives to:
- 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 7-12 July 2024
- Joint ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre – World Meteorological Organization Regional
Forum, Singapore, 4-6 September 2024
- Climate and Health Regional Dialogue, Bangkok, Thailand, 2–3 October 2024
- Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process,
Suzhou, China, 14-16 October 2024
- 4th International Vietnam Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences (iVCEES-2024), Quy
Nhon, Vietnam, 26-28 November 2024
o Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Vector Control Working Group Virtual
Annual Conference 2024, 2-4 December 2024
● Participation of Julie Mae Dado in the MAlRS-FE and CORDEX joint workshop on multi-scale climate-airwater Nexus for sustainable Health, Food and Energy, Beijing, China, 17-18 October 2024
For new publications please go to peer reviewed publications 2024