Region 13: Middle East North Africa (MENA)

Globe showing the CORDEX domain of Middle East and North Africa

Ref: Description of the CORDEX domains
(23/10/2015 version)

A) For rotated polar RCMs (in rotated coordinates):

RotPole (180.0; 90.0)
TLC (333.6; 44.88)


B) For non-rotated polar RCMs (in actual coordinates):

TLC (333.0.; 45.0)
CNB (24.5; 45.0)
TRC (76.0; 45)
CWB (333.0; 19.0)
CPD (24.5; 19.0)
CEB (333.0; 19.0)
BLC (333.0; -7)
CSB (24.5; -7)
BRC (76.0; -7)




Points of contact:

- Panos Hadjinicolaou - The Cyprus Institute (CYI), Cyprus

- Fatima Driouech - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

- Mansour Almazroui -