Bias-adjusted CORDEX-CMIP5 RCM data
It’s strongly recommended to read the following report shortly describing what bias adjusted climate simulations can be used for.
- Breakout Group 3bis: Bias Correction (pp. 21-23) in IPCC, 2015: Workshop Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Workshop on Regional Climate Projections and their Use in Impacts and Risk Analysis Studies [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, and M. Tignor (eds.)]. IPCC Working Group I Technical Support Unit, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 171. (
Bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations are visible on all ESGF index nodes worldwide under the “CORDEX-Adjust” project but the full support for all CORDEX search options (facets) including CORDEX-specific ones (“Domain”, “RCM Model”, “Driving Model”, “Downscaling Realisation” and “Bias-adjustment”) is at present provided by the following ESGF Tier 1 nodes:
- NSC/LIU-SMHI, Sweden (
- DKRZ, Germany (
- IPSL, France (
Downloading bias-adjusted CORDEX simulations is similar to the CORDEX simulations, the same search options. A short introduction on how to download CORDEX simulations can be found on the ENES-CORDEX webpage. Note that it does not matter which of the ESGF nodes is used for accessing CORDEX output, all of them provide links to the same files.
Under the CORDEX-Adjust project the search facet “Bias Adjustment” replaces the “Downscaling Realisation” facet which is available under the CORDEX project. The same information concerning downscaling realisation is available as the first element of the “Bias Adjustment” facet. In order to avoid any confusion and to clearly distinguish original and bias-adjusted CORDEX simulation data, the CORDEX variable names are modified by appending ‘Adjust’ to the variable names, for example: Precipitation (pr to prAdjust), Near-Surface Air Temperature (tas to tasAdjust) etc.
Details about bias-adjustment methods applied to the CORDEX simulations are provided in the CORDEX bias adjustment list and details about calibration datasets are provided in the list of reference datasets for CORDEX bias adjustment.