Information for Society: from CMIP to decision makers: Report from EGU24 Townhall

At the EGU24 in Vienna in April CORDEX held a townhall together with CMIP and RIfS on the chain from CMIP to decision makers. There were both shorter presentations and group discussions. The Townhall was designed to understand the challenges of producing information for society based on climate science. This included topics ranging from data access, to the treatment of uncertainty and expert judgement over what constitutes robust, decision-ready information.

You can read the report here

CARE for SEA megacities project workshop – read the summary

The CARE for SEA megacities project of CORDEX Southeast Asia (CORDEX SEA) held an in person three-day training workshop on empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) and urban climate downscaling in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14-16 May 2024.

Following the inception workshop and stakeholder consultation last year, the training workshop was primarily for members of the CARE for SEA megacities project team, who will be conducting the urban downscaling simulations. The workshop had both lecture and hands-on sessions on ESD, Land Surface Physics-Based Downscaling (LSP-DS) and urban modelling, which will be used in generating city scale climate hazard information for the CARE for SEA megacities project.

The full report can be read here:

thumbnail of CAREforSEAmegacities_Workshop_summary_KL2024

The 8th Med-CORDEX workshop successfully held

The 8th international Med-CORDEX Workshop, locally organised by Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Rome, Italy, was a successful event. During the three days, 14-16 May 2024, about 60 participants attended onsite and some invited speakers participated online.

One of the CORDEX co-chairs, Daniela Jacob, gave a CORDEX overview online talk on the first day. There were also online talks from invited speakers Robert Vautard (IPCC-WGI co-chair) and Bart van den Hurk (IPCC-WGII co-chair).

On top of the presentations and discussions on coupled CORDEX-CMIP6 baseline runs in Med-CORDEX, there were also more original sessions such as Impact session including coastal risks and coastal cities and the Session on biogeochemical modelling.

You can read more about Med-CORDEX on their website:

Two CORDEX workshops will be held on different sides of the world in 14-16 May

On the 14-16 of May two workshops are planned within the CORDEX domains.

The CARE for SEA megacities: Training Workshop will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Following the inception workshop and stakeholder consultation in Bangkok, Thailand last
November 2023, a three-day training workshop on empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) and
urban climate downscaling will be held. The training workshop is primarily for members of the CARE for SEA
megacities project team, who will be conducting the urban downscaling simulations.

The workshop aims:

  • to introduce city-scale urban modeling approaches, including empirical statistical
    downscaling (ESD), Land Surface Physics-Based Downscaling (LSP-DS), and Weather
    Research and Forecast-Urban (WRF-Urban);
  • to build capacity of CARE for SEA megacities research team in applying different
    downscaling methods, in preparation for the generating city-scale climate change
    projections for SEA megacities;
  • to discuss city-scale resolution downscaling framework for SEA, including protocol for
    ESD simulations, specifically for CORDEX-SEA.

On the other side of the world the 8th Med-CORDEX International workshop will be held in Rome, Italy.

The main goal of the workshop is to foster scientific exchanges among the Mediterranean regional climate
modelling community and to configure the near-future of Med-CORDEX in the global context of climate research.

The participants are invited to present their works on the following topics:

  • First results based on the Med-CORDEX-CMIP6 baseline run
  • New advances in regional climate modelling
  • Climate impacts
  • Impacts on the coastal zones and coastal cities
  • Ocean biogeochemistry at climate scales

For further information on the Med-CORDEX international workshop, please refer to
or contact the Med-CORDEX Steering Committee (

CORDEX Science Advisory Team is now looking for new dedicated members!


Do you want to engage in and contribute to CORDEX development as a member of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT)? The call for nominations is open until 30 June 2024 and self-nominations are welcomed.

Information about the call and link to the nomination form can be found here.
You can also read more about the CORDEX SAT here.

Please circulate and distribute this call among your communities and networks!

thumbnail of Call for nomination SAT 2024 – deadline