CORDEX Newsletter November 2020

In our newsletter, you can for instance read about new FPS proposals, a book on assessment of climate change in the Indian region, and how to submit your CORDEX publication at the website. We are also happy to report about the CORDEX workshops that have been able to be held, all of them online.

CORDEX Newsletter November 2020

If you have something interesting that you would like us to include in our next newsletter please send us an email

Collaboration between CORDEX and MAIRS-FE

The online workshop organized by CORDEX and MAIRS-FE on 9-10 November 2020 aimed to seek better collaboration between the organizers and also other relevant actors. During these two days potential partners discussed ideas and created a strong basis for the future cooperation.


At the fourth International Conference on Regional Climate –CORDEX in Beijing in October 2019 a very promising cooperation between CORDEX and many Asian organizations/universities was initiated, including a side meeting co-organized by CORDEX and MAIRS-FE. This side event resulted in an agreement to collaborate on information exchange across science disciplines, to engage in transferring regional climate research results to policy and to jointly support that the academic community engages more effectively with policy-makers, decision-makers in the public and private sectors through the co-design, co-production and co-deliver principles.

Finding new forms for cooperation

The first day also included that the participants gave their feedback and shared their ideas on these issues, thereby laying a good ground for the next day’s discussions.

On the second day Linda Stevenson from APN and Ailikun from ANSO presented their organizations and their current focus, where climate change, extreme events and associated risks, water security, monsoons and capacity building are some of the important aspects. They both expressed their support for this initiative and acknowledged that it fits well within their respective focus areas.

The meeting proceeded with the director of MAIRS-FE, Tong Zhu and the CORDEX Science Advisory Team member, Fredolin Tangang, who presented the ideas for future collaboration, giving examples of common fields of interest such as air pollution and health risks, heatwaves/droughts and the implications for water resources and wildfires.

With the scene set by these presentations, the around 40 participants were divided into two groups. One group discussed water resources and more specifically; extreme precipitation, wildfire and drought. The other group discussed climate extremes/risks with focus on; climate change impact of air pollution and air quality, climate change related to health risks, risk management, emergency alerting and response.

Both groups agreed that capacity building and involving Early Career Researchers are essential for the cooperation and development. To work towards an end-to-end perspective, here equal to involving stakeholders/users from the beginning and addressing both assessment and applications, is a common goal.

Moving forward – next steps

This workshop created a strong basis for future cooperation. The next stage is to further define specific steps for this group in collaboration with relevant additional partners. If your organization/institute is interested in participating in this collaboration please contact one of the workshop organizers;

International Project Office for CORDEX:

MAIRS-FE, Wei Wan:

Fredolin Tangang:

Shuyu Wang:




Central America and South America Online Paper-Writing Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling

Central America and South America are organizing an online Paper-Writing Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling. The workshop will be held on the 24-25 November  and 8-9 December 2020.

Objectives of the Workshop:

In face of the need to foster coordination of downscaling initiatives for the South America and Central America and the Caribbean regions (SAM/CAM) and to pursue capacity-building activities in the region, the overall goal of this activity is to promote collaborative activities and networking in the SAM/CAM regions with focus on specific regional climate phenomena. In this context, a virtual workshop on paper-writing is proposed with the aim of enhancing the capacity of PhD students and early career researchers in designing a research topic on regional climate modeling and documenting/writing the scientific results.

Read more and apply at the workshop website:

Regional climate change projections: Climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models over South Asia

The training on Regional climate change projections: Climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models over South Asia will be held 12-14 and 19-21 October 2020. The training is organized by CORDEX South Asia and is for invited participants. It was initially planned to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, but will now be an online training. Hopefully it will be possible to hold an in-person training during 2021.