Building Actionable Climate Information for Africa Adaptation

The workshop “Building Actionable Climate Information for Africa Adaptation” is a joint event together with RIfS that will take place in Cape Town, South Africa on 8-11 September, 2025. This workshop is for invited only. It is planned as a pivotal moment in Africa for how to address the critical questions of robust, defensible, and actionable climate information to support Africa’s policy and decision makers. This workshop is the first step to new cross-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and cross regional collaborations.

CORDEX FPS Southeast Africa workshop, Maputo, March 3-5, 2025

Attendees are from Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi, including students and lecturers from Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.

The workshop facilitates hands-on work to develop empirical-statistical downscaling for southeast Africa and training in R/R-studio and includes:

Read more about the ongoing workshop here

CORDEX Points of Contact meeting, online 27 Feb 2025



Points of Contact (POCs) are key for the coordination of regional domains, but also for cross domain activities. The latest POC meeting was held online, bringing together 20 researchers from 10 different CORDEX domains. Organized by the CORDEX SAT, these meetings aim to enhance cross-domain collaboration and engagement.

This session focused on preparing for the selection of driving global models in key initiatives, such as the CORDEX Task Forces on CORDEX-CORE and CORDEX-CMIP7. A comprehensive collection of domain-relevant processes and corresponding metrics is currently being developed as an outcome of the meeting. These metrics will contribute to the CORDEX Task Forces and also to the CMIP Rapid Evaluation Framework, which will assess the upcoming CMIP7 models.

During the meeting, the SAT also introduced existing tools developed for CORDEX-CMIP6 and common for all regional domains. These resources, available to CORDEX PoCs and researchers, support various technical aspects, from model registration to simulation monitoring.

For more info, please find all the slides from the meeting here.

Workshop on “Spatial and temporal climate change analysis using CORDEX regional climate models over South Asia” in Kathmandu, Nepal, 18-20 february




A three-day training workshop  “Spatial and temporal analysis of climate change using CORDEX regional climate models over South Asia” commenced on 18 February 2025 at the Holiday Inn Express, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), in collaboration with SEN Services, Water Center 21 Pahal, Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Fulbright, IWMI Nepal, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), UNESCO Chair in Mountain Water Sustainability and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) with the support from World Climate Research Program (WCRP)/CORDEX conducted the workshop accommodating both physical and online participants. The training concluded on 20 February.

The workshop aimed at building knowledge and skills necessary for analysing climate change projections using CORDEX regional climate model simulations for professionals, early career researchers and students in South Asia. The workshop was attended by 16 participants in-person and over 45 participants joining online. The workshop accommodated participants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and the USA.

Dr. Mandira Shrestha, Water Expert from SEN services and Water Center 21 Pahal, provided background and objectives and set the context for the workshop. Chief Guest of the opening session, Professor Suresh Raj Chalise, former dean, Tribhuvan University and Advisor, SEN in his remarks highlighted the importance and complexities of climate models and suggested the participants to take those into consideration.

The workshop included a series of experts-led sessions and interactive discussions on Climate modelling, CORDEX related technical presentations, CORDEX data extraction and management for the analysis and bias correction.

Dr. Mandira Shrestha; Dr. Saurav Pradhanaga (IWMI Nepal); Dr. Dhiraj Pradhananga (Tribhuvan University and UNESCO Chair in Mountain Water Sustainability), Dr. Irene Lake (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), Dr. Nir Krakauer (City College of New York, USA), Dr. Ambarish Karmalkar (University of Rhode Island, USA) and Dr. Sabin Thazhe Purayil, Dr. Swapna Panickal & Mr. Sandip Ingle from IITM, India were the expert resource persons of the workshop.

Some photos from the workshop:

Deadline 28 February for submitting an abstract to the Convection Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop in Hong Kong 5-7 August

The IX Convection Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop (

We invite abstract submissions for the 9th CPCM Workshop, which will take place from 5–7 August 2025 at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This year’s workshop will focus on the theme of “Extreme Precipitation in Coastal Cities.” The event will feature keynote speakers and discussions centered on this topic, highlighting challenges and advancements in understanding, simulating, and adapting and mitigating the impacts of extreme precipitation events in urban coastal regions.

In addition to this central theme, we welcome contributions that leverage high-resolution models and observational data to explore a range of topics, including

  • the simulation and observation of extreme events,
  • global convection-permitting climate modeling (CPCM),
  • physical processes,
  • applications of AI in climate science,
  • km-scale Earth system models, and
  • impact-relevant research.

Submissions showcasing innovative methods, interdisciplinary approaches, and practical applications are particularly encouraged.

Extended deadline – Call for proposals to host the CORDEX International Project Office

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is opening a call for proposals to host the International project office of CORDEX.

The Host Institution will significantly benefit from hosting the CORDEX IPO by having a close interaction with this critical domain of research in support of regional downscaling experiments. It will serve as a great opportunity for the host to help deliver the exciting new goals of CORDEX to the international community.

The CORDEX IPO is currently and since 10 years hosted by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) in Norrköping, Sweden and it is now time for someone else to take on this important role. WCRP is seeking applications from institutions willing to host the CORDEX IPO from mid 2025 onward.

More information about the call can be found at the WCRP website.

Extended deadline for proposals 31 March 2025

All communications and enquiries regarding this call should be directed in English to Maureen Wanzala ( in the WCRP Secretariat.