Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) starts in San Francisco today. Members of the CORDEX community are present both in person and online. Below are a few of them:
A11E – Regional Climate: Modeling, Analysis, and Impacts, Melissa Bukowsky

A23U-08 Urban Environments and Regional Climate Change – CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC,
Tomas Halenka

A31F-2453 –  Impact of Extended Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes on Decision-Relevant Flow in the Upper Mississippi, Olivia McCauley & William Gutowski

A12F-04 CORDEX-Australasia: Dynamically downscaled CMIP6 projections at 10 km for Australia – Added value of downscaling using information on climate extremes,Jozef Syktus

A23U-01 Unravelling the Future of ISMR: High-Resolution Modeling over the Indo-Gangetic Plains using high resolution CORDEX-CORE simulations under High Emission Scenarios, R.Bhatia

If you want to find more CORDEX related talks and posters here is the link where you can search in the program:
You can find more information about the conference: https://www.agu.org/fall-meeting