CORDEX SEA workshop on Regional Climate Downscaling and Applications 8-9 November 2022

The Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling /Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment – Southeast Asia (SEACLID/CORDEX-SEA) has, since its establishment, provided robust climate change information for the region and  contributed significantly to the assessment of climate change in the region as detailed in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.

This workshop builds on previous  activities, with particular focus on high resolution simulations over key vulnerable areas in
Southeast Asia. It also serves to discuss the use of climate information for vulnerability, impact and adaptation communities. Regional climate downscaling modelling methods and urban issues will be discussed to foster new research and collaborations for the region. This two-day workshop will be in hybrid mode with the aim to bring scientists, users, stakeholders, policy-makers together to  emphasize the importance of regional climate downscaling and information in addressing issues related to climate change and sustainability in the region.

Read more on the workshop here: RU-CORE,RUCORE,Ramkhamhaeng University ,Center Of Regional Climate Change and Renewable Energy.,RU-CORE


Workshop on consolidating downscaling for the provision of regional climate information to society – Cordex Consolidate. 11-13 october in Oslo, Norway

An overview of CORDEX and WCRP and their directions – how can we lower the threshold for using downscaled results in climate adaptation work? 
In Oslo Kulturhus is about 30 participants on site and about 170 registered participants online for three days. And there is a unknown number who is following the workshop on the
Youtube link: ConCord Oslo 11-13 october 2022

Day 2:

Introduction ( Rasmus Benestad )

*Keynotes: use of information and data for modelling, impact studies and climate change adaptation.
¨-Extracting robust information from data ( Thordis Thorarinsdottir)
-R-shiny app for presenting results from ESD+RCMs for climate services (Kajsa M. Parding & Andreas Dobler)
*How do we synthesise regional climate information for society involving both RCMs and ESD? (Rasmus Benestad)
*The use of climate knowledge and information from ECRA’s perspective (ECRA’s whitepaper). (Peter Braesice)
*Experience from DWD on joining ESD & RCM (Barbara Früh)
*The current status concerning downscaling practice and climate services. What is working? Where are the gaps & why? Where do we want to be?
*Panel discussion: current status on downscaling and climate services – IPOC, Australia, Asia, South America, Africa, USA, Europe, the Arctic. (Iréne Lake , Marcus Thatcher, Chris Lennard, Maria Laura Bettolli, Daniela Jacob, Bill Gutowski, Koji Dairaku, Deliang Chen)
*How should different sectors make use of the information, if you were the decision-maker? (Ågot Aakra)
*Presentation on RifS (early career scientists)
-Use of emission scenarios and climate models in building adaptation research (Jørn Emil Gaarder)
-The use of climate data for projecting earth slide risks (Emir Ahmet Oguz)
*Using climate information for assessing green roofs (Vincent Pons)
*How to study the way climate change affects pesticides (Sophie Mentzel)
*Work on position/statement on regional climate information for engineers & funding idea ( Rasmus Benestad )
*Plenary discussion on consolidation of downscaling and its utility based on this day’s work.

Day 3:

Introduction ( Rasmus Benestad )

*Two best practices (1) for the CORDEX community; (2) for stakeholders – modify those that are used now? Handbook or guidelines?
-Contribution from ESA: complementing climate information with data from ESA (Claire Macintosh)
*Create your future ( CORDEX -IPOC- Iréne Lake, Sophia Kark)
*Conclusion – how to take this further (2023 CORDEX conferences; ECRA; Copernicus; EEA); Summary of online world-wide contribution; outreach and communication (Rasmus Benestad)

*Excursion to Oslo city adaptation of water and social mingeling ( Tharan Åse Fergus, Oslo municipality

Day 1:

Introduction and Welcome to the workshop:  Roar Skålin, Camilla Stoltenberg, Ågot Aakra, & Rasmus Benestad.

*Paneldiscussion: An overview of CORDEX and WCRP and their directions – how can we lower the threshold for using downscaled results in climate adaptation work? ( Iréne Lake, IPOC – Panel: Sophie Mentzel, Ahmed Benouazar, Ramón Fuentes Franco, Huikyo Lee, Kristine Gutzkow, Ågot Aakra
*Climate services and provision of climate information/data ( Carlo Buentempo)
*Experience on using various types of information from Finland. (Hilppa Gregow
Keynotes: How is climate information used in society: some examples from public health
-Health and Climate: challenges ( Ågot Aakra)
-Stakeholder’s perspective: What climate information is used in public health, and how? (Ågot Aakra)
*How are downscaled results being used in society today and how should they be used?
Keynotes: State of the art on downscaling and use of downscaled results
-Examples from the USA ( Katharine Hayhoe)
-Perspective from IPCC AR6 WG1 (Paco Doblas-Reyes)
Using observations and model results: how can we add more value through three approaches: downscaling, sensitivity-testing, stress-testing/storylines?


#ConCordOslo2022 #CORDEX #Regionclimate

Information on CORDEX CMIP6 simulation plans and status is available!!

Dear CORDEX community!

Now the information on CORDEX CMIP6 simulation status is available!!

You can see the regional simulations/downscalings of CMIP that are planned for your domain here 

The simulations status is listed as;
• Full list of simulations
• Summary by domain
• Summary by scenario
• Summary by experiment

Thanks to all who has contributed! This simulation status platform will be a living site and evolve as simulations are completed, status changed or new simulation plans are added. To keep this alive we need your help!! Please, give your input here if you want to contribute by adding or updating your simulations.


This page also includes information on the CORDEX CMIP5 simulations available from ESGF, thus providing a live version of the inventory of simulations provided here.

Hybrid workshop on Consolidating downscaling for the provision of regional climate information to society, 11-13 October in Oslo


Workshop on Consolidating downscaling for the provision of regional climate information to society – Cordex Consolidate (ConCord)

Date: October 11-13, 2022.

Venue: Kulturhuset in Oslo, Norway, and online. Check out the workshop web page

Register here! OBS! Updated link!!

Free of charge!

First come – first serve: max 50 onsite participants. Note that the deadline for registration is extended until 06 October at 23:59 UTC.

The main objectives of this workshop are to:

  • promote reconciliation of global and regional climate models (GCMs, RCMs), empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) and historical observations/reanalyses for better information in support of robust future climate outlooks and climate change adaptation
  • discuss how to further facilitate the use of climate information that is embedded in the data that it produces
  • discuss what information is needed for various purposes and how to use it.


How do we best use the available information based on the context? We will discuss principles for consolidating downscaled information in decision-making/climate services/climate change adaptation. We also want to bring in know-how on how to involve statistics. The workshop, hosted by the Norwegian Meteorological institute, is held in collaboration with the Norwegian Public Health Institute and the Norwegian Centre for Climate Services, to foster co-production of knowledge on climate-health issues and for the provision of robust actionable information.

IPOC CORDEX Office is hosted by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Folkborgsvägen 17, 601 76 Norrköping, Sweden.

CORDEX Homepage Twitter @WCRP_Cordex Email:



The International Project Office for CORDEX (IPOC) is unmanned during the period 9 July to 12 August!

The CORDEX office will be unmanned during the period 9 July to 12 August.

For matters regarding CORDEX data access please see CORDEX data access  and/or our FAQ 

For other CORDEX matters please take a look at the general FAQ , contact one of our Points of Contacts (POCs)  or one of our Science Advisory Team (SAT) members.

For more WCRP-related matters you can turn to the WCRP secretariat

See you in August!!


The website for ICRC-CORDEX 2023 is now up and running!




  • The ICRC-CORDEX 2023 conference web site is now launched
  • Main venue in Trieste, Italy
  • Physical hub in Pune, India


The conference web site is now launched here:

We are also happy to annonce that we have a confernce hub at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune, India. Part of the conference program will be held separately and part together online.