Points of Contact
WCRP Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
The CORDEX vision is to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships. CORDEX includes 14 domains, regions for which regional downscaling is taking place and which have an official CORDEX designation. In order to achieve the CORDEX vision Points of Contact (POC) in each of the domains play a significant role with responsibilities including what is listed below.
Terms of reference for Points of Contact (POC)
- to serve as Point of Contact for all relevant CORDEX matters in the region
- to foster cooperation and communication on CORDEX and regional climate modeling matters in the region
- to coordinate CORDEX activities (workshops, training activities, etc) and associated public outreach (news, web page, social media, etc) in the region
- to support resource mobilization in the region with relevant stakeholders (development banks, funding agencies, donors, etc)
- to liaise between and within the various CORDEX regions, under the guidance of the CORDEX SAT and CORDEX Project Office.
- at the latest December 15 every year report to the SAT and CORDEX Project Office on activities carried out during the year
- at the latest December 15 every year send a list to CORDEX Project Office on activities planned for the coming year.
Points of Contact
Name | Affiliation | Domain |
Silvina Solman (SAT co-chair) |
University of Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA ♦ solman(at)cima.fcen.uba.ar |
South America (SAM) Dynamical Downscaling |
Rosmerir Porfirio da Rocha | University of Sao Paolo Sao Paolo, Brazil ♦ rosmerir(at)model.iag.usp.br |
South America (SAM) Dynamical Downscaling |
Maria Laura Bettolli | Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina ♦ bettolli(at)at.fcen.uba.ar |
South America (SAM) and ESD Statistical Downscaling |
Tereza Cavazos (SAT member) |
CICESE Ensenada , Mexico ♦ tcavazos(at)cicese.mx |
Central America (CAM) Dynamical Downscaling |
Tannecia Stephenson | University of the West Indies Kingston, Jamaica ♦ tannecia.stephenson02(at)uwimona.edu.jm |
Central America (CAM) Statistical Downscaling |
Hugo Hidalgo | Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica ♦ hugo.hidalgo(at)ucr.ac.cr |
Central America (CAM) Statistical Downscaling |
Stefan Rahimi | University of Wyoming, Wyoming, USA ♦ srahimi(at)uwyo.edu |
North America |
Rachel McCrary | National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado, USA ♦ rmccrary(at)ucar.edu |
North America Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling |
Dominique Paquin | Ouranos, Montréal, Canada ♦ Paquin.Dominique(at)ouranos.ca |
North America Dynamical Downscaling |
Chris McCray | Ouranos, Montréal, Canada ♦ mccray.christopher(at)ouranos.ca |
North America Dynamical Downscaling |
Sara Pryor | Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA ♦ sp2279(at)cornell.edu |
North America Statistical Downscaling |
Daniela Jacob (SAT co-chair) |
Climate Service Center Hamburg, Germany ♦ d.jacob(at)hereon.de |
Europe (EURO) Dynamical Downscaling |
Stefan Sobolowski | NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS Bergen, Norway ♦ stso(at)norceresearch.no |
Europe (EURO) Dynamical Downscaling |
Eleni Katragkou | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece ♦ katragkou(at)auth.gr |
Europe (EURO) Dynamical Downscaling |
José Manuel Gutierrez (SAT co-chair) |
University of Cantabria Santander, Spain ♦ gutierjm(at)unican.es/gutierjm@gmail.com |
Europe (EURO) Statistical Downscaling |
Claas Teichmann | Climate Service Center Hamburg, Germany ♦ claas.teichmann(at)hereon.de |
Europe (EURO) Statistical Downscaling |
Wilfried Pokam (SAT member) |
University of Yaounde Yaounde, Cameroon ♦ wpokam (at) yahoo.fr |
Africa |
Chris Lennard | University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa ♦ lennard (at) csag.uct.ac.za |
Africa Dynamical Downscaling |
Nana Ama Browne Klutse | University of Ghana Accra, Ghana ♦ amabrowne (at) gmail.com |
Africa Dynamical Downscaling |
Amira Nasser Mostafa | Egyptian Meteorological Authority Cairo, Egypt ♦ amira.nasser1988 (at) gmail.com |
Africa |
Rondrotiana Barimalala | Norwegian Research Center Bergen, Norway ♦ ronb (at) norceresearch.no |
Africa |
Sanjay Jayanarayanan |
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pashan, Pune, India ♦ sanjay(at)tropmet.res.in |
South Asia Dynamical Downscaling |
Mandira Shrestha | Kathmandu, Nepal ♦ mandirashrestha2017(at)gmail.com or mandira.2024(at)outlook.com |
South Asia Dynamical Downscaling |
Lalu Das | Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (A State Agriculture University) Mohanpur, West Bengal, India ♦ daslalu.bckv@gmail.com, daslalu(at)yahoo.co.in |
South Asia Statistical Downscaling |
Koji Dairaku | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Tsukuba, Japan ♦ dairaku(at)kz.tsukuba.ac.jp |
East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia Statistical Downscaling |
Young-Hwa Byun | National Institute of Meteorological Sciences Seogwipo, Korea ♦ yhbyun(at)korea.kr |
East Asia Dynamical Downscaling |
Hiroaki Kawase | Meteorological Research Institute Tsukuba, Japan ♦ hkawase(at)mri-jma.go.jp |
East Asia Dynamical Downscaling |
Dong-Hyun Cha (SAT member) |
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea ♦ dhcha(at)unist.ac.kr |
East Asia Dynamical Downscaling |
Shaukat Ali | Global Change Impact Studies Centre, Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan ♦ pirshauki(at)gmail.com |
Central Asia Statistical Downscaling |
Jason Evans (SAT member) |
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Sydney, Australia ♦ jason.evans(at)unsw.edu.au |
Australasia Dynamical Downscaling |
Marcus Thatcher (SAT member) |
CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere, Melbourne, Australia ♦ Marcus.Thatcher(at)csiro.au |
Australasia Dynamical Downscaling |
Andrew Orr | British Antarctic Survey Cambridge, United Kingdom ♦ anmcr(at)bas.ac.uk |
Antarctica |
Priscilla Mooney | Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE), Bergen, Norway ♦ prmo(at)norceresearch.no |
Arctic |
John Cassano |
University of Colorado Boulder, USA ♦ john.cassano(at)colorado.edu |
Arctic |
Erika Coppola (SAT member) |
ICTP Trieste, Italy ♦ coppolae(at)ictp.it |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Bodo Ahrens | Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany ♦ bodo.ahrens(at)iau.uni-frankfurt.de |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Gabriel Jordà | IEO-CSIC Palma, Spain ♦ gabriel.jorda(at)ieo.csic.es |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Gianmaria Sannino | ENEA Rome, Italy ♦ gianmaria.sannino(at)enea.it |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Samuel Somot | CNRM Toulouse, France ♦ samuel.somot(at)meteo.fr |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Fabien Solmon | Laboratoire d’Aerologie (LA) Toulouse, France ♦ Fabien.Solmon(at)aero.obs-mip.fr |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Marco Reale | National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics Trieste, Italy ♦ mreale(at)ogs.it |
Mediterranean (MED) |
Panos Hadjinicolaou | The Cyprus Institute (CYI) Nicosia, Cyprus ♦ p.hadjinicolaou(at)cyi.ac.cy |
Middle East North Africa (MENA) |
Fatima Driouech | Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Morocco
♦ driouechfatima(at)yahoo.fr |
Middle East North Africa (MENA) |
Mansour Almazroui | ♦ mansour(at)kau.edu.sa | Middle East North Africa (MENA) |
Fredolin Tangang | The National University of Malaysia Bangi, MALAYSIA ♦ ftangang(at)gmail.com |
South-East Asia (SEA) Dynamical Downscaling |
Faye Cruz (SAT member) |
Manila Observatory, Quezon City, Philippines ♦ fcruz(at)observatory.ph |
South-East Asia (SEA) Dynamical Downscaling |
Liew Juneng | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia ♦ juneng(at)ukm.edu.my |
South-East Asia (SEA) ESD |
Thanh Ngo Duc | University of Science & Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam ♦ ngo-duc.thanh(at)usth.edu.vn |
South-East Asia (SEA) Dynamical Downscaling and ESD |
Rasmus Benestad | Norwegian Met Service Oslo, Norway ♦ rasmus.benestad(at)met.no |
ESD (Empirical Statistical Downscaling) |
Chris Jack | University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa ♦ cjack(at)csag.uct.ac.za |
ESD (Empirical Statistical Downscaling) |
Bruce Hewitson | University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa ♦ hewitson (at) csag.uct.ac.za |
ESD (Empirical Statistical Downscaling) |
Douglas Maraun | Wegener Centre for Cliamte and Global Change Graz, Austria ♦ douglas.maraun(at)uni-graz.at |
ESD (Empirical Statistical Downscaling) |