The local Meteo-France/CNRM data node where you can access the CNRM-ALADIN simulations for Euro-CORDEX and CORDEX Africa has changed.
The data are now available at:
The local Meteo-France/CNRM data node where you can access the CNRM-ALADIN simulations for Euro-CORDEX and CORDEX Africa has changed.
The data are now available at:
Abstract submission deadline: February 18, 2016
AS26 – Regional Climate Downscaling: Progress, Challenges and Applications Research on the dynamical downscaling using regional climate models has made considerable progress in the recent years. A number of techniques are being developed to make the downscaled products useful to the society. However, still there are many challenges in improving the downscaled results mainly due to the limitations of the physical parameterization schemes used in the models.
The aim of the session is to review the overall progress and challenges in development and application of regional climate models. In this regard, this session invites diverse research results associated with regional climate model from the improvement of the model physics and dynamics to interdisciplinary applications of downscaled climate data. We are also interested in the topics addressing the added values of regional climate model and its applications to the society. The results of the ensemble simulations from the international Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) are also welcome.
Conveners: Dr. Satyaban B. Ratna (JAMSTEC, Japan), Prof. Fredolin T. Tangang (University of Malaysia), Dr. Eun-Soon Im (SMART, Singapore), Prof. Sushil K. Dash (IIT, Delhi, India), Dr. J. Venkata Ratnam (JAMSTEC, Japan)
EGU General Assembly in Vienna, 17-22 April 2016.
We encourage you to submit your work to session CL5.09, “Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX.” In past years this been the top session within the EGU climate section in terms of number of abstracts. We expect to continue in this tradition given the surge in activity for CORDEX and other RCM projects.
The session description is at
Abstract deadline: 13 January 2016 at 13:00 Central European Time (12:00 UTC).
The International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-CORDEX 2016 will bring together the international community involved in regional climate research focusing on high resolution climate information, and its applications to the vulnerability, impacts and adaptation community and the full spectrum of potential end users of regional climate information. It will further promote the CORDEX vision to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships.
As in previous workshops, this event will include lectures and extensive hands-on sessions on the theory of regional climate dynamics and regional climate change while providing a background on regional climate modeling studies focused on the South America region.
The deadline for application is November 30, 2015.
For further information:;
The first five endorsed FPS propsals, were selected from the first round of submissions and announced at the last day of the ICRC-CORDEX 2016 conference in Stockholm, May 2016;
South America: Extreme precipitation events in Southeastern South America: a proposal for a better understanding and modeling
Europe+ Mediterranean: Convective phenomena at high resolution over Europe and the Mediterranean
Europe: Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales
Mediterranean; Role of the natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the Mediterranean region: past climate variability and future climate sensitivity
Mediterranean; Role of the air-sea coupling and small scale ocean processess on regional climate
Afther that another FPS has been endorsed:
Africa: Coupled regional modelling of land-atmosphere-ocean interactions over western-southern Africa under climate change.
More information about the endorsed FPS proposals can be found here or under the CORDEX News tab of the menu above.