SEACLID CORDEX workshops in Malaysia, 7-9 May

The Final Workshop of the First Phase and the Second Technical Workshop of the Second Phase of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/ CORDEX Southeast Asia Project will be held at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, 7-9 May 2018.

Click herefor more information and pdf registration form.

Click here to download a word registration form.

Register for the EGU-session “Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX” (session CL5.06 )

Dear Colleagues,

This is a final reminder that the abstract submission deadline for the upcoming EGU General Assembly is very close, on 10 January

2018 at 13:00 Central Europe Time (12:00 UTC).

We encourage you to submit your research for presentation in the session “Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX” (session CL5.06 ), so that this session can continue to be a strong contribution to the EGU climate program. The session description (with a link to the abstract submission page) is at

We look forward to meeting you in Vienna.

Filippo Giorgi (along with Ray Arritt and Ivan Guettler, co-conveners)

CORDEX GCM-RCM simulations overview

Now an excel file with information on simulations in all CORDEX domains is available.

The file is an overview of model simulations in the domains and does not include all details.

Since new simulations are performed continuously the most recent information on simulations/model runs with more details will be available via links or  contacts referred to at the domain tabs in the excel document.

For access to the excel file go to GCM-RCM excel overview.

For a quick overview of number of simulations for each domain go to GCM-RCM summary table.