WCRP needs your help!

Now, more than ever, the world needs climate scientists. A key part of building the climate research workforce needed to address the challenges of this century is broadening access to climate science training. The WCRP Academy is one of the new lighthouse activities of the World Climate Research Programme, designed to make positive steps towards giving more scientists access to the training they need.

“To meet the challenges and explore the opportunities of our changing climate, our scientists will need a strong understanding of climate from an Earth systems perspective, will need a more interdisciplinary understanding of the problems faced, will need to understand better how their science can be used in decision making, and will need to know how to communicate it to a broad audience. This will require training  not only of our early career scientists, who will lead the way, but of all climate scientists.”

Detlef Stammer and Helen Cleugh, Chair and Vice-Chair of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee

A key pillar of the WCRP Academy is an annual, global stock-take of training needs. We invite you to participate in the first survey. 

Complete the survey now.

Who is the survey for?

The survey is for anyone who is currently a climate scientist or those looking to become one, through formal or informal training. We want to hear from people at different stages of their career to get a broad picture of where gaps exist so that we can help the community fill those gaps.

What will my responses be used for?

Our aim is to produce an open, peer-reviewed publication on the results of the stock-take. We hope that this will be a great new resource for training providers to understand training needs with the ultimate aim of making existing training available to more parts of the community and to stimulate institutions to develop new training.

What’s in it for me?

We hope that you will see the need for this kind of information to be available in the public domain. Particularly for Early Career Researchers, this is your chance to have your collective voice heard. Tell us what training you need, and we will do our best to help that training to happen. 

In addition, 10 respondents, from those who have entered their name and email address, will be randomly selected to win complimentary registrations for the WCRP Open Science Conference 2023 (can be donated to an early career researcher). Please note that WCRP key contributors are not eligible for the draw.

How do I participate?

The survey link is here: Complete the survey now and will be open until 26 November 2021. The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. 


For any questions, please do contact wcrp-academy@wcrp-climate.org. For more details please see the WCRP Academy or the Survey.



3rd EURO-CORDEX workshop on GCM evaluation and selection

On June 28 2021 the EURO-CORDEX organized the 3rd workshop on GCM evaluation and selection. The community took decisions with can be found here at their website.

RAUMG 2021; submit abstracts

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to our special session SE05: Regional climate modelling and CORDEX at the RAUGM 2021 (Annual Meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union) to be held in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico from October 31st to 5 November 2021. Our session will be mostly online, but it will be possible to attend in person if COVID-19 allows. Oral and poster presentations can be in Spanish or English.

Deadlines: July 31st for abstract registration and 4th September for pre-registration of participation.

For further details visit: https://www.raugm.org.mx/ To register an abstract you will need to create an account: https://www.raugm.org.mx/resumenes/account/signin.php

Special Session SE05: Regional climate modelling and CORDEX / Sesión Especial SE05: Modelación climática regional y CORDEX

Regional models are a powerful tool to improve the knowledge of the physical, chemical and dynamical processes that regulate the weather and climate and their possible changes. Computational growth has favoured the development of a large number of global and regional models.

Multi-institutional projects for regional climate model simulations such as CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment) have produce regional climate models outputs at 50 and 25 km for several domains in the world, and in Europe at 10 km; CORDEX is currently developing the protocol for simulations at even finer spatial resolution forced with global models for a historical period and for future emission scenarios. The CORDEX information is available to the scientific community and it is relevant for regional process studies, for the evaluation of the possible impacts of climate change in different regions, and for decision-making and adaptation.

In this session, we are soliciting topics on:

1) Evaluation of regional models (dynamical or statistical) for different physical processes and impacts in various regions of the world including the CORDEX domains.
2) Studies of different physical processes relevant at regional scale under current and future conditions using regional models (dynamical, statistical, or hybrid downscaling).
3) Studies at local scale using convective permitting models.
4) VIA (vulnerability, impacts and adaptation) studies under climate change conditions.



Tereza Cavazos, tcavazos@cicese.mx

Rosa Luna Niño, rluna@cicese.edu.mx

María Laura Bettolli, bettolli@at.fcen.uba.ar

Matías Méndez Pérez, jumendez@uv.mx

2nd EURO-CORDEX workshop on prioritization of the use of SSPs

In the second EURO-CORDEX workshop, which took place April 29, 2021 the prioritization of SSPs for downscaling CMIP6 simulations was discussed. About 50 regional climate modellers gathered online.

It was concluded that low, medium and high scenarios are needed. A prioritization is needed for those who cannot afford to run all scenarios. While there is no consensus yet on the prioritization of the “worst-case” scenario SSP370 vs SSP585, there is consensus on the recommendation of downscaling the low SSP126 and the medium SSP245. It was agreed that EURO-CORDEX should follow the recommendations of the CORDEX-SAT, which will be published soon, for best consistency among the CORDEX communities.

EURO-CORDEX website.