The second order draft (SOD) of the CORDEX experiment design for dynamical downscaling of CMIP6

The First Order Draft (FOD) of the CORDEX experiment design (protocol hereafter) for dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 was shared with the CORDEX community in June 2020. We are very grateful to all who have read the protocol in detail and provided comments. The Second Order Draft (SOD) of the new CORDEX protocol is ready and we now want to share it with the CORDEX community for comments. In order to keep the process of developing the CORDEX protocol transparent and open for the community, the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) here provides responses to the comments on the FOD and how they have been addressed in the SOD.

Please find the SOD here and the CORDEX SAT responses to the FOD comments here.

You can leave your comments on the SOD in this Google form.

If you can´t access Google please let us know and we will send you an excel spreadsheet for your comments.

The deadline for comments is Friday 26th February.